Mars - Viking 1 Orbiter
Eastern Tharsis and Noctis Labyrinthus
Viking 1 Orbiter color mosaic of the eastern Tharsis
region on Mars. At left, from top to bottom, are the
three 25 km high volcanic shields, Ascraeus Mons,
Pavonis Mons, and Arsia Mons. The shield at upper
right is Tharsis Tholus. The canyon system at lower
right is Noctis Labyrinthus, the westernmost extension
of Valles Marineris. The smooth area at bottom center
is Syria Planum. The distance between the calderas of
Ascraeus and Pavonis Mons is 800 km. North is up.
The images used to produce this mosaic were taken
during orbit 1334 on 22 February 1980.
(Viking 1 Orbiter MG01N104-334S0)
Mars: Geology
Volcanism in the Solar System
Viking Mission