Donald M. Sawyer

NASA/GSFC, Code 633 
Greenbelt, MD 20771 

 Phone: (301) 286-2748 
FAX: (301) 286-1771 


Acting Head, National Space Science Data Center
Lead, NASA/Science Office of Standards and Technology (NOST),
National Space Science Data Center, Code 633
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center


Ph.D. Candidate Certificate, Space Physics, University of Minnesota, 1973
(Completion of course work and orals)
B.S.  Physics, University of Rochester, 1963


Information Modeling
Data System and Archival Standards
Data System Design and Development
Trapped Radiation Modeling
Magnetospheric Processes and Geomagnetic Cutoffs


1996 - Present: Lead development of CCSDS/ISO Archive Reference Model
1989 - Present: NASA lead to Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems Panel 2
1988 - Present: Established and lead NASA/Science Office of Standards and Technology
1987 - Present: Computer Scientist, National Space Science Data Center
1982 - 1987: Project Manager, Sigma Data Services Corporation
1982 - 1986, Project Manager for NSSDC support contractor
1979 - 1982: Manager, Sigma Data Services Corporation
1979 - 1982, Development of Coordinated Data Analysis Workshop System with a parameter-stream algebraic-manipulation compiler
1973 - 1979: Physicist, Sigma Data Services Corporation
1971 - 1976: Developed trapped proton model, AP-8
1971 - 1973: Physicist, KMS Technology Center

1. Sawyer, D., L. Reich, eds., ³Reference Model for an Open Archival
Information System², ISO/CCSDS 650.0-W-2 White Book, October 1997
( )

2. Sawyer, D., "Role of Formats in the Life Cycle of Data", Third NASA
Goddard Conference on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies, NASA
Conference Publication 3262, October 19-21, 1993.

3. Reich, L., D. Sawyer, R. Davis, "A Reference Model for Scientific
Information Interchange", Third NASA Goddard Conference on Mass Storage
Systems and Technologies, NASA Conference Publication 3262, October 19-
21, 1993.

4. Drexler, M., D. Sawyer, G. Smith, "CCSDS: An approach to the
Definition of Common Standards for Space Data Systems - Standard
Formatted Data Units, Standards for Data Understanding," AIAA-90-5047,
Proceedings of the AIAA/NASA Second International Symposium on Space
Information Systems, Volume 1, 550-577, (1990).

5. Sawyer, D. M., ed. ,  "Standard Formatted Data Units - Control
Authority Procedures", Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems,
CCSDS 630.0-R-1, Red Book (1989)

6. Sawyer, D. M., "Space Data Model for Automated Cataloging",
Computer Handling and Dissemination of Data, Proceedings of the 10th
International CODATA Conference (1987)

7. Sawyer, D. M., et al., "A Review of the Near-Earth Radiation
Environment,"  Proceedings of the 13th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists
Conference, 545-550 (1978)

8.  Chan, K. W., D. M. Sawyer, and J. I. Vette, "Trapped Radiation
Population," in "The Trapped Radiation Handbook,"  ed. J.B. Cladis, G.
T. Davidson, and L.L. Newkirk, DNA 2524H, Defense Nuclear Agency,  4-1
to 4-99 (1977)

9.  Sawyer, D. M. and J. I. Vette, "AP-8 Trapped Proton Environment
for Solar Maximum and Solar Minimum,"  NSSDC/WDC-A-R&S 76-06, NASA TMX-
72605, Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD (1976)

Curator: Nathan James,
Responsible Official: Joseph King, Code 633
Last modified: Friday, 30-January-03