Earth's Moon - Apollo 17

Oblique view across Mare Imbrium of Copernicus crater on the Moon

Earth's Moon
Southward looking oblique view of Mare Imbrium and Copernicus crater on the Moon. Copernicus crater is seen almost edge-on near the horizon at the center. The crater is 107 km in diameter and is centered at 9.7 N, 20.1 W. In the foreground is Mare Imbrium, peppered with secondary crater chains and elongated craters due to the Copernicus impact. The large crater near the center of the image is the 20 km diameter Pytheas, at 20.5 N, 20.6 W. At the upper edge of the Mare Imbrium are the Montes Carpatus. The distance from the lower edge of the frame to the center of Copernicus is about 400 km. This picture was taken by the metric camera on Apollo 17. (Apollo 17, AS-2444)

Moon: Geology
Impact Cratering