The Moon - Lunar Orbiter 5
High resolution view of Rima Hadley (Hadley Rille) on the Moon
Lunar Orbiter 5 view of Hadley Rille (Rima Hadley) on the Moon.
This high-resolution view of the V-shaped valley clearly shows
blocks along the walls and at the bottom. The sides slope at
about 20 degrees, and the rille is 1 to 1.5 km from rim to rim.
Apollo 15 landed about 2 km from the rim of Hadley Rille and
explored it in detail. North is up. This is a detail from the
lower left corner of frame H3. The medium resolution,
regional view is shown in frame lo5_m105.
(Lunar Orbiter 5, frame 105-H3)
Moon Geology