Saturn's Rings - Voyager 1

Computer composite of 4 images of Saturn's rings

Saturn's Rings
False-color computer composite of 4 images of Saturn's rings taken by Voyager 1. The images were taken from 40 million km on 13 October 1980, 30 days before closest approach. The images were combined so as to enhance color variation between the rings. Shown here are (from inside to outside) the C-ring, B-ring, A-ring, and a small arc-shaped part of the F-ring at upper right. The distance across these rings is about 65,000 km. The satellite Mimas is just above the middle right of the image. North is at 11:00. (Voyager 1, p-22990c)
Saturn: Ring System
Planetary Rings
Imaging Science
Voyager Missions