Venus - Magellan

Sapas Mons volcano, Venus; C1-MIDR

Magellan compressed-once (resolution ~225 m) radar image of Sapas Mons volcano, Venus. This 1.5 km high volcano, located at 8.7N, 1881.1E in the Atla Regio area is about 400 km across. Note the two dark areas near the center of the volcano, which are flat-topped mesas comprising the double summit. North is up. Sapas Mons is also shown in images P-38360, P-40176, F-10N188;1, C2-00N183;1, and C3-14N180;1. (Magellan C1-MIDR 15N180;1,framelet 56)
Larger image: 878K

High resolution tiff file (1.0M)

Location & Time Information
Date/Time (UT): N/A
Distance/Range (km): 394.7
Central Latitude/Longitude (deg): +14.97/180.23
Orbit(s): 1371-1466

Imaging Information
Area or Feature Type: Volcano
Instrument: Synthetic Aperture Radar
Instrument Resolution (pixels): 240 x 240, 8 bit
Instrument Field of View (deg): 2.1 x 2.5
Filter: N/A
Illumination Incidence Angle (deg): 44.4-45.7
Phase Angle (deg): 0
Instrument Look Direction: Left
Surface Emission Angle (deg): 44.4-45.7

Ordering Information
CD-ROM Volume: MG_0030
NASA Image ID number: C1-15N180;1
Other Image ID number: N/A
NSSDC Data Set ID (Photo): 89-033B-01O
NSSDC Data Set ID (CD): 89-033B-01C
Other ID: N/A


[NASA Logo] Authors/Curators:

Dave Williams,, (301) 286-1258
Code 690.1, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, MD 20771, USA

Jay Friedlander,, (301) 286-7172
Code 612.4, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, MD 20771, USA

NASA Official: Dr. David R. Williams,

Last updated: 24 September 2015