Table 1.
Counts of NSSDC Data Sets and Data Set Sources as of 12/31/98

Discipline Digital Non-Digital Totals Experimiments with Data Spacecraft with Data
Astronomy 209 112 321 128 39
Space/Solar Physics 1,419 1,058 2,477 734 167
Planetary 515 727 1,242 292 90
Earth 113 94 207 180 99
Other 44 144 188 12 0


2,300 2,135 4,435 1,346 395


Table 2.
State of the NSSDC Archive as of 12/31/98

Discipline No. of Terabytes No. of Terabytes Network-Accessible No. of
Media (Digital)*
Astro 3.6 1.68 3,744
Space Physics 5.6 1.01 17,365
Planetary 3.3 0 22,810
Earth 3.3 0 26,352**
Total 15.8 2.69 70,271
* See Table 4 for detail; not counted is large quantity of data on microfilm, microfiche, etc.
** Awaiting transfer to EOSDIS


Table 3a.
Astrophysics Data Electronically Accessible from NSSDC
as of December 31, 1998

Project Online Nearline
HUT 0.6 GB
UIT 35
HEAO-1 13
HEAO-2 4
HEAO-3 1
IUE 1,392
OSO 8 23
Vela 5B 21


36 GB 1,643 GB


Table 3b.
Space Physics Data Electronically Accessible from NSSDC
as of December 31, 1998



ACE 0.04 GB
AE C,D,E 0.54 GB
AEROS 0.01
ARCAD 0.88
CDAW 9 0.05
DE 208 GB
Equator-S 0.38 0.4
FAST 5.5 8
Geotail 2.5 *
GOES 0.51 0.5
Ground-bsd 1.57
Hawkeye 20
Helios 1&2 0.03
Hinotori 0.14


IMP 8 0.38 0.31 41
Interball 0.16 0.2
ISIS 1&2 4 242
ISTP * 84
LANL 2.4 2.4
OMNI 0.22
Pioneer 10&11 0.35 1
PVO 0.03
Polar 29 *
SAMPEX 2.3 37
San Marco 0.1
Skylab 7
SOHO 0.24 0.3
Ulysses 0.65 1.58 20
Voyager 1&2 0.52 22
Wind 2.4 *
Yohkoh 239
Totals 52 GB 4.6 GB 952 GB
* Counting differences in CDAWeb and NDADS lead to grouping Wind, Polar, and Geotail as "ISTP" in the NDADS column.


Table 4.
Counts of Volumes at NSSDC Archive as of 12/31/98

Media Astro-
Space Physics Planetary Science Earth Science Total
4-mm Tape 448 23 2 0 473
8-mm Tape 215 403 79 0 697
9-Track Tape 2,687 10,414 20,749 26,352 60,202
CD-ROM (Titles) 39 95 822 0 956
CD-WO 15 6,061 1,156 0 7,234
12" WORM (Offline) 0 56 0 0 56
12" WORM (NDADS) 288 170 0 0 458
M-O Disk 0 134 0 0 134
DLT 52 9 0 0 61
Totals 3,744 17,365 22,810 26,352 70,271
Backup volumes not included


Table 5.
Photographic Data Products at NSSDC by Discipline


Film (feet) Film (frames) Reels Slides
Astrophysics 6,020 18,524 100 63,459 121
Earth Science 1,430 4,200 236,066
Planetary Science 3,294 6,345 143,214 390,735 259 5
Space Physics 20,188 13,269 4,640 4,379 41,502
Communications 183
Other 162
Totals 31,277 38,138 152,154 694,639 259 41,528


Table 6.
Data Arriving at NSSDC During 1998

Astrophysics Planetary Space Physics
ADC 1.8 GB Clementine 0.5 GB AMPTE 0.1
COBE 2.3 Galileo 1.9 FAST 587
IUE 517 Magellan 34 IMP-8 7.6
ROSAT 1.4 Mariner 9 & 10 65 ISEE 26
Wind 2 Pioneer Venus 4.3 ISIS 135
EUVE 704 Viking 1 and 2 17 ISTP
Voyager 1&2 1.9 KP’s 63
Subtotal 1,228 Mars Observer 2.8 Geotail L0 135
Mars Pathfinder 1.7 Polar L0 253
Apollo 8 2.6 Wind L0 + 40
Giotto 0.3 CRRES 22
Lunar Prospector 2.3 SAMPEX 31
Ulysses 0.6 Ulysses 9.5
Mars Circ. Model 0.1 DE 1.4
Asteroid Tables 0.7 Yohkoh 27.5
Tether 0.5
Subtotal 135 Alberta IMS 1.3
Subtotal 1,340
Grand Total 2,703
• 84 Data sets from 84 experiments arrived in 1998
• First data from 16 experiments arrived in 1998



Table 7. 
Media Arriving at NSSDC During 1998

Media Astro-
Space Physics Planetary Science Total
4-mm Tape 0 1 0 1
8-mm Tape 2 23 0 25
9-Track Tape 0 49 2 51
CD-ROM (Titles) 3 35 84 122
CD-WO 10 1,968 185 2,163
Magneto-Optic Disk 0 31 0 31
DLT 52 9 0 61
Total 67 2,116 271 2454


Table 8.
Annual Access Statistics for Special Space Physics Systems

First Went Public 1996 1997 1998
CDAWeb 6/96 11,752/2,518 36,606/8,481 58,786/23,483
OMNIWeb 12/94 5,181/2,470 7,325/3,621 8,784/3,042
COHOWeb 4/95 1,218/567 1,219/621 1,005/650
First member of each pair is the number of plots created. Second is the sum of numerical screen listings plus ASCII or CDF files created and downloaded.


Table 9. 
Number of Files Downloaded from ANON/FTP (in Thousands),
Excluding NDADS

1995 1996 1997 1998
Photo_Gallery 26 59 504
Geophys_Models 15 18 27 27
COHO 11 15 11 10
CDF 7 11 11
FITS 3 6 6
All Others 53 47 70 107
Totals 79 116 184 665



Table 10. 
NDADS 1998 Access Stats - Missions with >10 Unique Sites
Accessing Data Monthly

Mean Number Requests Monthly E-addresses Accessing Number Files
IUE 4,998 76 194,183
IRAS 361 13 3,690
Subtotal 5,359 197,873
Space Physics
IMP 8 1,018 24 33,833
ISTP 787 17 14,556
Subtotal 1,805 48,389
All Others 2,302 118,976
Grand Totals 9,466 365,238


Table 11. 
NSSDC User Community (Offline Requests) [CY 1998]

Affiliation Category Total Requests Percent of Total
No Affiliation [General Public] 542 32.44
Non-US 648 38.78
US Universities/Colleges 207 12.39
US Private Industry 144 8.62
NASA/GSFC 48 2.87
NASA Centers, Excluding GSFC 18 1.08
Other Government Agencies 57 3.41
Miscellaneous 7 0.42
Total 1,671* 100.00
* Requests for 3,959 Milky Way posters are not included in this total.



Table 12. 
Number of Requests for Offline Satellite Data from NSSDC by Discipline

Discipline Data Set Requests
1968 - 1998
Offline Data Set Requests 1998
Astrophysics 10,154 934
Earth Science 7,108 40
Planetary Science 40,781 1,989
Space Physics 8,098 229
Ephemeris 86 0
Other 20 0
Total 66,247 3,192



Table 13. 
NSSDC Offline Data Dissemination Statistics as of December 31, 1998

Offline 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998
Number of Requests for Tapes 127 67 30 25 24
Number of Tapes Mailed 2,544 676 401 428 925
Number of Requests for CDs 874 814 1,233 1,297 1,079
Number of CDs Mailed 10,669 10,469 4,804 6,220 6,825
Number of Film Requests 181 128 177 192 300
Number of Film Volumes Mailed 3,724 894 1,733 2,383 2,353


Table 14. 
AIM Partition Statistics for CY 1998

Number of Records Number Added
Subpartition in 1998 as of 12/31/98
Spacecraft 5,330 219
Experiment 5,531 17
Data Set 5,445 72
Totals 16,306 308
Number of spacecraft with experiments - 1,056
Number of experiments with data sets - 1,381


Table 15. 
NSDF Partition Statistics for CY 1998


Number of Data Sets
Astrophysics 1,037
Space Physics 439
Earth Science 65
Planetary 41
Other 28
Total 1,610


Table 16. 
TRF Partition Statistics as of 12/31/98

Total Number of Records 39,860
Number of Records Inserted 1,508


Table 17.
IRAND Partition Statistics as of 12/31/98

Record Type

Total Records Records Inserted Records Updated
Personnel 54,776 1,006 6,142
Request 79,023 1,640