Selected projects
Carried out scientific research at the NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center;
collaborated with the Dynamics Explorer (DE) Science Team, other Goddard and
university scientists to analyze the DE and Voyager particle, wave and field data;
performed interpretation of the space plasma data and theoretical modeling of planetary
magnetospheric phenomena and plasma processes.
Studied the spectral characteristics and the energization of particle precipitations
in the auroral zones, wave-particle interaction processes along the auroral magnetic field
lines, the frequency-time structure and the generation of the terrestrial VLF emissions, the
detection and location of the auroral parallel electric fields, finite geometry effects of
field-aligned currents, the auroral current-voltage relationship, and the global
electrodynamics of the ionosphere-magnetosphere system.
Analyzed and interpreted the DE and Voyager data on radio emissions from the
terrestrial and planetary (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune) magnetospheres; studied
the generations and the emission characteristics in terms of nonlinear wave-wave
interactions and the electron cyclotron maser instabilities; performed ray-tracing
calculations to study the effects of propagation of radiation in a plasma.
Performed feasibility study and the physics of a space-based or lunar-based
magnetospheric radio sounder used to remotely sense the different plasma regimes of the
On the Dynamics Explorer (DE) and Voyager Projects, perform various
magnetospheric and ionospheric data analyses, supervise the Summary Plot microfiche
quality control process, and produced many papers and presentations. Create variety of
programs for magnetospheric modeling, data analysis and display, including raytracing to
determine potential source locations and primary propagation modes for striated spectral
activity measured by DE and Voyager at the Earth, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.
Developed and constructed an intensified CCD camera system. Prepared and operated
ground observing stations in northern Canada and South America for chemical release
experiments from sounding rockets, Pegasus Pegsat, and Combined Release and
Radiation Effects Satellite (CRRES). Developed and constructed a low-light level
charge-coupled device (CCD) camera system and operated it on CRRES missions. In the
past, correlated ground station magnetic field data, IMP and ISEE interplanetary
magnetic field data, and DE field and particle data for magnetically quiet times. For the
annual DE attitude maneuvers that ensure sufficient power and cooling, prepared
predictions of the angle between the spacecraft spin axis and the local magnetic field.
Researched and produced the UserŐs Guide for Dynamics Explorer Summary Plots of
selected geophysical parameters measured by high and low altitude satellite instruments
for use by researchers investigating magnetosphere-ionosphere-atmosphere coupling.
Created a metaprogram that wrote Postscript code for overlaying satellite on-times onto
the AE Indices plots.
Developed papers on future gamma-ray spectroscopy instruments, including the
Nuclear Astrophysics Explorer Phase A study and a lunar spectrometer initiative.
Investigated future portable communications systems for NASA Headquarters.
On the Search and Rescue Satellite-Aided Tracking (SARSAT) Program, perform
a number of systems engineering and documentation tasks. Evaluated the system
measurements of the COSPAS/SARSAT system, investigated issues related to personal
survival beacons, and explored other techniques for locating distress victims. Created a
database of the COSPAS/ SARSAT saves with the capability for plotting saves locations
on world maps. Prepared a schematic of the SARSAT spacecraft instrument layout with
command and telemetry points. Built the interface hardware for a possible spacecraft
interferometer and ran antenna tests in the GSFC Antenna Test Facility. Planned and
analyzed the 1985 and 1986 COSPAS/SARSAT system exercises, studied emergency
beacon capacity and detection probability, researched the overall SARSAT system and
the data exchange networks and protocols involved. Acted as executive secretary at
many SARSAT meetings, including the London 1986 Operations Working Group
meeting. Wrote and illustrated COSPAS/SARSAT System Description, 406 MHz
Implementation Plan, COSPAS/SARSAT User's Guide Chapter 5, Interim Operations
Plan, RDDC Implementation Plan, COSPAS/SARSAT Implementation Plan, 406 MHz
Beacon Signal Flow and Processing Tutorial, SARSAT Interface Control Document for
the Command Management and Telemetry Processing of the SARR, SARP, and SARP-
M, SARSAT Local User Terminal (LUT) Requirements Initiative, and 406 MHz
Geosynchronous SAR Implementation Plan.
Researched imaging polarimeters and explored the present use of the frequency
band 1330-1427 MHz to determine possible interference with passive soil moisture
measurements of the proposed Earth Observing System (EOS) HMMR phased-array
For the SHAD instrument, developed the procedures and laid-out the test bench
for integrating and testing the telescope.
Researched the equipment required for outfitting the Life Science Module of the
Space Station and constructed a full-size mock-up.
Researched and proposed designs to extend the mission lifetime of the Spartan
spacecraft for use in global magnetic field measurements, including engineering and cost
Helped develop the GOES-Next Specification, Statement of Work,
Documentation Requirements, and Request for Proposal, including design and cost
Researched and analyzed industrial capacity for the test, measuring and analytical
instruments industries, particularly the electrical measurement and optics instrument
producers, for use by the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
Robert M. Candey,, 1-301-286-6707.
Responsible Official:
Robert E. McGuire, Code 632
Last modified: 1997 September 22