Clementine CD-ROM AAREADME File

                  CLEMENTINE EDR IMAGE ARCHIVE                                
1. INTRODUCTION                                                               
This CD-ROM is part of a volume series that comprise the Archive              
of Clementine EDR (Engineering Data Record) Image data products,              
associated ancillary data, and software tools. The Clementine EDR             
Image Archive contains the collection of raw planetary images                 
acquired by the Clementine mission. These data are pristine in the            
sense that they contain the artifacts and radiometric and geometric           
characteristics of unprocessed and uncorrected data. The only                 
processing performed on the data is to organize and format the data           
according to the Planetary Data System (PDS) standards.                       
The Clementine images were compressed onboard the spacecraft using            
a space-hardened Matra chip. The compression enabled acquisition of           
many more observations of the Moon. The compression technique                 
performed "lossy" compression using a Discrete Cosine Transform               
(DCT) algorithm. The images were kept in the compressed format when           
archived to reduce the total volume of the archive collection.                
Software is available on this volume to decompress the image data             
The Clementine images are constructed according to the data object            
concepts developed by the PDS. By adopting the PDS formats, the               
Clementine images will be consistent in content and organization              
with the other planetary image collections that have been archived            
by the PDS.                                                                   
Three documents, located in the document directory, contain                 
essential information about the mission and the data products                 
contained on the archive.  The file EDRSIS.ASC describes the                  
organization, content, and format of the image data products.                 
ARCSIS.ASC describes the volume organization and directory                    
structure, and contains information about the contents of the                 
ancillary data volumes that will follow this volume series.                   
VOLINFO.TXT contains a description of the mission, mission phases             
and time lines, scientific payload, orbital dynamics, and initial             
scientific results.                                                           
2. DISK FORMAT                                                                
The disk has been formatted so that a variety of computer systems             
(e.g. IBM/PC compatible, Macintosh, Sun) may access the data.                 
Specifically, it is formatted according to the ISO 9660 level 1               
Interchange Standard. For further information, refer to the ISO               
9660 Standard Document: Reference Number ISO 9660-1988, 15 April              
1988. The extended attribute records (XAR) supported by the ISO are           
not used in this volume series. The lack of XARs on a file only               
affects the VAX/VMS user community. It will be necessary for                  
VAX/VMS users to use the VMS CONVERT utility to convert document              
and text files before they can be satisfactorily accessed. VAX/VMS            
users can contact the PDS Imaging Node for support of the                     
Clementine EDR Archive.                                                       
3. FILE FORMATS                                                               
Each individual image acquired by the Clementine spacecraft is                
contained in its own file. An image file is made up of four parts:            
1) a PDS label that describes the image, 2) an image histogram                
object containing statistics about the image, 3) a browse image               
object containing an uncompressed subsampled version of the image,            
and 4) the image object containing the compressed image. (For more            
information about the format of the image files, consult the                  
EDRSIS.ASC file located in the document directory.)                           
All document files, detached label files, and tables are stored as            
ASCII stream-record files. In a stream-record file, records (lines            
of text) are separated by a carriage-return [cr] and line-feed [lf]           
character sequence. The [cr]/[lf] sequence marks the end-of-record            
and the start of a new record. For compatibility with VAX/VMS                 
systems, each line is a fixed-length of 80 characters. Bytes 79 and           
80 of each line contain the [cr][lf] sequence. This organization              
works well for the Microsoft-DOS systems because the [cr]/[lf]                
sequence is identically used on these systems. On Macintosh                   
systems, an end-of-record mark is simply a [cr] character.                    
Macintosh text editors can read and access these files, but a                 
special-character indicator will mark the "extraneous" [lf]                   
character at the beginning of each line. On UNIX systems, an end-             
of-record mark is simply a [lf] character. UNIX text editors can              
read and access these files, but a special-character indicator will           
mark the "extraneous" [cr] character at the end of each line. File            
names with extension "TAB", "LBL", "ASC", "TXT", and "CAT" are                
formatted as ASCII stream-record files. In addition to the standard           
ASCII text file format used for documentation files, some                     
documentation files may additionally exist in other forms to                  
facilitate easy access to these files. File names with extension              
"DOC" are formatted as Microsoft Word Version 6.0 documents. File             
names with extension "EPS" are formatted as Encapsulated PostScript           
Tabular files are formatted so that they may be read directly into            
many database management systems of various computers. All fields             
are separated by commas, and character fields are enclosed in                 
double quotation marks ("). Character fields are left justified,              
and numeric fields are right justified. The "start byte" and                  
"bytes" values listed in the labels that describe the tabular files           
do not include the commas between fields or the quotation marks               
surrounding character fields. The records are of fixed length, and            
the last two bytes of each record contain the ASCII [cr]/[lf]                 
characters. This scheme allows a table to be treated as a fixed-              
length record file on computers that support this file type and as            
a normal text file on other computers.                                        
PDS labels are object-oriented. The object to which the label                 
refers (IMAGE, BROWSE_IMAGE, IMAGE_HISTOGRAM, TABLE, etc.) is                 
denoted by a statement of the form:                                           
    ^object = location                                                        
in which the carat character (^) indicates that the object starts             
at the given location. In an embedded label, the Clementine EDR               
image archive uses the form:                                                  
    ^object = n [BYTES]                                                       
where "n" points to the starting byte location of the object. (The            
first byte in a file is designated as byte location 1.) For                   
detached labels (labels existing in their own file) the object                
location is signified as:                                                     
    ^object = "file.nam"                                                      
In this form, the object of the label description exists in the               
file named "file.nam". For a description of the PDS object label              
specifications, consult JPL document D-7669.                                  
4. CD-ROM CONTENTS                                                            
The files on this CD-ROM are organized starting at the top-level              
directory called the [root] directory. Below the [root] directory             
is a directory tree containing the data files, documentation, index           
files, and software. In the table, shown below, directory names are           
enclosed in square brackets ([...]), upper-case letters indicate an           
actual directory or file name, lower-case letters indicate the                
general form of a set of directory or file names.                             
  DIRECTORY/FILE                         CONTENTS                             
|-AAREADME.TXT          The file you are reading.                             
|-ERRATA.TXT            Description of known anomalies and errors             
|                       present on the volume set(optional file).             
|-VOLDESC.CAT           A description of the contents of this                 
|                       CD-ROM volume in a format readable by                 
|                       both humans and computers.                            
|-[DOCUMENT]            Directory for documentation. The files in             
|  |                    this directory describe the mission,                  
|  |                    imaging instruments, volume organization,             
|  |                    and file naming convention. Please refer              
|  |                    to these documents for description of the             
|  |                    Clementine EDR Image Archive.                         
|  |                                                                          
|  |-DOCINFO.TXT        Description of files in the DOCUMENT                  
|  |                    directory.                                            
|  |                                                                          
|  |-VOLINFO.LBL        Label file describing the VOLINFO.DOC and             
|  |                    VOLINFO.EPS files.                                    
|  |                                                                          
|  |-VOLINFO.TXT        Mission overview and instrument                       
|  |                    description.                                          
|  |                                                                          
|  |-VOLINFO.DOC        Microsoft Word V6.0A version of                       
|  |                    VOLINFO.TXT.                                          
|  |                                                                          
|  |-VOLINFO.EPS        PostScript version of VOLINFO.TXT.                    
|  |                                                                          
|  |-EDRSIS.LBL         Label file describing the files            
|  |                                                                          
|  |-EDRSIS.ASC         Clementine EDR Image Software Interface               
|  |                    Specification. Detailed information about             
|  |                    format and content of image files.                    
|  |                                                                          
|  |-EDRSIS.DOC         Microsoft Word V6.0A version of EDRSIS.ASC.           
|  |                                                                          
|  |-EDRSIS.EPS         PostScript version of EDRSIS.ASC.                     
|  |                                                                          
|  |-ARCSIS.LBL         Label file describing the files            
|  |                                                                          
|  |-ARCSIS.ASC         Software Interface Specification for the              
|  |                    Archive of Clementine EDR image products.             
|  |                    Contains information about the contents and           
|  |                    organization of the Clementine volumes.               
|  |                                                                          
|  |-ARCSIS.DOC         Microsoft Word version of ARCSIS.ASC.                 
|  |                                                                          
|  |-ARCSIS.EPS         PostScript version of ARCSIS.ASC.                     
|-[INDEX]               Directory for the image index files.                  
|  |                                                                          
|  |-INDXINFO.TXT       Description of files in [INDEX] directory.            
|  |                                                                          
|  |-IMGINDX.TAB        Image Index table.                                    
|  |                                                                          
|  |-IMGINDX.LBL        PDS label for the image index table.                  
|  |                                                                          
|  |-IMGINDX.HDR        Single line containing header information             
|  |                    for each entry in the index. Can be used              
|  |                    in spread sheet applications.                         
|  |                                                                          
|  |-MISSINDX.TAB       Missing image table.                                  
|  |                                                                          
|  |-MISSINDX.LBL       PDS label for missing image table.                    
|  |                                                                          
|  |-MISSINDX.HDR       Similar to IMGINDX.HDR for missing index              
|  |                    file.                                                 
|  |                                                                          
|  |-REDOINDX.TAB       May exist on volume. Used to indicated                
|  |                    images that will be processed at a later              
|  |                    time. (See ARCSIS.DOC)                                
|  |                                                                          
|  |-REDOINDX.LBL       PDS label for redo image index file                   
|  |                                                                          
|  |-REDOINDX.HDR       Similar to IMGINDX.HDR for redo index                 
|  |                    file.                                                 
|-[SOFTWARE]            Directory of software elements.                       
|  |                                                                          
|  |-SOFTINFO.TXT       Description of files in the [SOFTWARE]                
|  |                    directory. For more information about the             
|  |                    contents of the[SOFTWARE] directory,                  
|  |                    consult this file.                                    
|  |                                                                          
|  |-[PCDOS]            Software for IBM/PC compatible computers.             
|  |  |                                                                       
|  |  |-[BIN]           Executable modules for MS-DOS V6.2.                   
|  |  |                                                                       
|  |  |-[SOURCE]        Source code for MS-DOS applications.                  
|  |  |                                                                       
|  |  |-[DOC]           Documentation for MS-DOS applications.                
|  |                                                                          
|  |-[MAC]              Macintosh System 7 application software.              
|  |  |                                                                       
|  |  |-[BIN]           BINHEX versions of Mac software.                      
|  |  |                                                                       
|  |  |-[SOURCE]        Source code for Mac software applications.            
|  |  |                                                                       
|  |  |-[DOC]           Documentation for Mac applications.                   
|  |                                                                          
|  |-[SUNOS]            Software for SUN/OS V4.3.1.                           
|     |                                                                       
|     |-[BIN]           Executable modules for SUN/OS.                        
|     |                                                                       
|     |-[SOURCE]        Source code for SUN/OS applications                   
|     |                                                                       
|     |-[DOC]           Documentation for SUN/OS applications                 
|-[LUNxxx]              Data directory for lunar orbit 'xxx'.                 
|  |                    Usually, 3 lunar mapping orbits may exist             
|  |                    on each volume. For more information on the           
|  |                    directory structure of the volumes, see               
|  |                    the ARCSIS.ASC document located in the                
|  |                    [DOCUMENT] directory. (see ARCSIS.ASC)                
|  |                                                                          
|  |-[LUXXXXXX]         Images for the UV/VIS camera                          
|  |  |                                                                       
|  |  |-[LUXXXXXA]      Images in these subdirectories are divided            
|  |  |                 into 10 degree latitude bins on the Moon:             
|  |  |-[LUXXXXXB]                                                            
|  |  |                 A=-90 to -80, B=-80 to -70, C=-70 to -60              
|  |  |-[LUXXXXXC]      D=-60 to -50, E=etc. For more information             
|  |  |                 (For more information see ARCSIS.ASC in the           
|  |  |                 document directory.)                                  
|  |  |-[etc.]                                                                
|  |                                                                          
|  |-[LNXXXXXX]         Images for the NIR camera.                            
|  |  |                                                                       
|  |  |-[etc.]          Same subdirectory structure as UV/VIS.                
|  |                                                                          
|  |-[LLXXXXXX]         Images for the LWIR camera.                           
|  |  |                                                                       
|  |  |-[etc.]          Same subdirectory structure as UV/VIS.                
|  |                                                                          
|  |-[LHXXXXXX]         Images for the HiRes camera.                          
|  |  |                                                                       
|  |  |-[etc.]          Same subdirectory structure as UV/VIS.                
|  |                                                                          
|  |-[LAXXXXXX]         Images for the Star Tracker A camera.                 
|  |  |                                                                       
|  |  |-[etc.]          Same subdirectory structure as UV/VIS.                
|  |                                                                          
|  |-[LBXXXXXX]         Images for the Star Tracker B camera.                 
|     |                                                                       
|     |-[etc.]          Same subdirectory structure as UV/VIS                 
|-[ERRATA]              This directory reserved for the last volume           
|                       in the series. This directory will contain            
|                       images files that had problems on previous            
|                       volumes.                                              
|-[TIMELINE]            This directory is a "last minute" addition            
|                       to the volume series. The contents of this            
|                       directory contains Microsoft EXCEL spread             
|                       sheet files for the orbit time lines.                 
|                       This directory contains files that are not            
|                       compatible with PDS standards. The contents           
|                       of the files contained in this directory              
|                       will be available in PDS form on the                  
|                       ancillary CD-ROM series. (See ARCSIS.ASC)             
|-TLINFO.TXT            Brief description of the contents of the              
|                       EXCEL files.                                          
|-TLLUNxxx.XLS          Time line for orbit 'xxx'                             
5. CONTACTS FOR MORE INFORMATION                                              
Additional information about the Clementine EDR Image Archive can             
be obtained by contacting:                                                    
         The PDS Imaging Node                                                 
         Branch of Astrogeology                                               
         United States Geological Survey                                      
         2255 North Gemini Drive                                              
         Flagstaff, AZ 86002                                                  
         Internet e-mail:                         
         Telephone: (602) 556-7113                                            
The SPICE ancillary data files, produced by software provided by              
the PDS NAIF Node and used for the derivation of the geometry                 
parameters, were the best available at the time the CD-ROM was                
produced. It is anticipated that improvements in some of these                
files will be made as further analysis is done. This could include            
correcting not-yet-discovered errors and filling in missing data.             
It is recommended that persons needing the most complete and                  
accurate observation geometry contact NAIF for the latest                     
Clementine SPICE files and, if the user does not already have it,             
the NAIF Toolkit software used to access these SPICE data. These              
SPICE files and the complete NAIF Toolkit are available on a                  
companion disk within this PDS volume set. For additional                     
information about the SPICE files used in the volume series, see              
Appendix I of the EDRSIS.DOC file. The NAIF Toolkit and up-to-date            
Clementine SPICE kernels can be acquired by contacting:                       
            PDS NAIF Node                                                     
            MS 301-125L                                                       
            Jet Propulsion Laboratory                                         
            California Institute of Technology                                
            4800 Oak Grove Drive                                              
            Pasadena, CA 91109                                                
            Internet e-mail:                         
            Telephone: (818) 354-3869                                         
6. ERRATA, DISCLAIMER, AND ANOMALIES                                          
Although considerable care has gone into making this volume, errors           
are both possible and likely in the software, documentation, and              
data files. Users of the data are advised to exercise the same                
caution as they would when dealing with any other unknown data set.           
Reports of errors or difficulties would be appreciated. Please                
contact the PDS Imaging Node at the address shown in Section 5.               
An ERRATA.TXT file will be maintained in the [root] directory of              
each CD-ROM to report problems with files and software that reside            
on the CD-ROMs. Please refer to the ERRATA file in order to                   
determine where the most current software and updated files are               
Inconsistencies may exist between the histogram statistics found in           
the image histogram object and the actual image that is                       
decompressed on your computer platform. Subtle differences in the             
floating point hardware among computer platforms may cause the                
Density Number (DN) values of a resulting decompressed image to be            
occasionally different (within 1 DN) than the decompressed image              
used to generate the image histogram object.                                  
Data reviewers have reported confusion about several parameters               
that describe geometric information about the observations. The               
SPACECRAFT_ALTITUDE, and SUB_SPACECRAFT_AZIMUTH parameters, found             
in the image index file (IMGINDX.TAB)and the image file labels, are           
referenced with respect to the central body which the spacecraft is           
orbiting, not necessarily the target of the observation. During the           
lunar mapping phase of the mission, the central body is the Moon.             
Thus, if the target is the Earth, the above listed parameters are             
referenced with respect to the Moon and not Earth.                            
Because the image decompression program, CLEMDCMP, requires a                 
Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) it may take several minutes to                
decompress an image on hardware platforms with slow processors.               
For example, in tests on a Macintosh IIci, the decompression takes            
approximately 4 minutes. In contrast, CLEMDCMP has been tested on             
hardware platforms with modern processors, such as an Intel                   
486DX2/66-MHz, and the decompression takes just several seconds.              
The Clementine EDR image files use the PDS label constructs                   
RECORD_TYPE = "UNK", and ^IMAGE = xxxxx [BYTES] to define the                 
structure of the file. In addition, a "SFDU" label specification is           
not found at the beginning of a label. The labeled image files in             
this form are not supported by the current versions of IMDISP and             
IMAGE4PDS image display software that are widely distributed by the           
PDS. To display Clementine decompressed formatted files use the               
version of IMAGE and CLIMDISP programs that are supplied on this              
CD-ROM. The CLIMDISP and IMAGE software has been tested only on the           
Clementine data products. No attempt has been made to determine if            
these versions will work on any other PDS data product.                       
The xv system, provided on this CD-ROM, is an image display tool              
for UNIX systems. The xv software is unable to read Clementine PDS            
formatted files. To display Clementine images using 'xv', a user              
must first decompress the image using the CLEMDECMP software and              
output the file in either a GIF or TIFF format.                               
The Encapsulated PostScript files, ending with file extension EPS,            
were produced by Microsoft Word Version 6.0a. The MS Word documents           
were converted using the "write to PostScript file" option in the             
print command. The EPS files were tested and satisfactorily written           
on a SPARCprinter (Sun/UNIX system) and a HP LaserJet 4 (Microsoft            
windows environment). In addition the LaserWriter Font Utility on a           
Macintosh was able download the EPS files.                                    
8. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS                                                            
The design, production, replication, and distribution of the                  
Clementine EDR Image Archive is the result of a cooperative effort            
between the US Naval Research Laboratory and NASA's Planetary Data            
System (PDS). The Applied Coherent Technology (ACT) Corporation, in           
contract to NRL, was responsible for the development of the                   
processing system for the production of the archive and produced              
the archive data products for delivery to the PDS. ACT personnel              
additionally provided software tools that are included on the                 
The Planetary Data System provided the funding for the mastering              
and replication of the archive for wide distribution to the science           
community. The PDS Imaging Node and Central Node supported                    
the design effort, and developed software tools and ancillary data            
files that accompany the archive. The observation geometry                    
parameters (such as range, latitude and longitude) that are found             
in the image index files (IMGINDX.TAB) and the PDS image labels               
were produced using software provided by the Navigation and                   
Ancillary Information Facility (NAIF) at JPL.                                 
The following individuals made substantial contributions to the               
successful completion of the Clementine EDR Image Archive:                    
Erick Malaret (ACT)                                                           
Luis Perez (ACT)                                                              
Howard Taylor (ACT)                                                           
Eric Eliason (PDS Imaging Node, US Geological Survey)                         
Chris Isbell (PDS Imaging Node, USGS)                                         
Tracy Sucharski (PDS Imaging Node, USGS)                                      
Janet Barrett (PDS Imaging Node, USGS)                                        
Gail Woodward (PDS Central Node, Jet Propulsion Laboratory)                   
Chuck Acton (PDS NAIF Node, JPL)                                              
Nat Bachman (PDS NAIF Node, JPL)                                              
Mike Spencer (PDS NAIF Node, JPL)                                             
9. RECOMMENDED CD-ROM DRIVES AND DRIVE SOFTWARE                               
   Drive:   Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) RRD40 or RRD50                
   Driver:  DEC VFS CD-ROM driver V4.7 or V5.2 and up.                        
   Note:    The driver software may be obtained from the PDS                  
            Central Node, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, (818)306-6054.           
   Drive:   DEC RRD40 or RRD50                                                
   Driver:  Supplied with Ultrix 3.1                                          
   Note:    Internet users can obtain a copy of the "cdio" software           
            package via anonymous FTP from the ""                
            server in the file named "src/cdio.shar".                         
   Drive:   Toshiba, Hitachi, Sony, or compatible                             
   Driver:  Microsoft MSCDEX version 2.2.                                     
   Note:    The latest version of MSCDEX (released February 1990)             
            is generally available. Contact PDS Central Node, Jet             
            Propulsion Laboratory for assistance in locating a                
Apple Macintosh                                                               
   Drive:   Apple cd sc (SONY) or Toshiba.                                    
   Driver:  Apple CD-ROM driver                                               
   Note:    The Toshiba drive requires a separate driver, which may           
            be obtained from Toshiba.                                         
Sun Micro (SunOS 4.0.x and earlier)                                           
   Drive:   Delta Microsystems SS-660 (Sony)                                  
   Driver:  Delta Microsystems driver or SUN sr.o Driver.                     
   Note:    For questions concerning this driver, contact                     
            Delta Microsystems, (415)449-6881.                                
Sun Micro (SunOS 4.0.x and later)                                             
   Drive:   Sun Microsystems                                                  
   Driver:  SunOS sr.o driver                                                 
   Note:    The CD-ROM volume series contains no extended attribute           
            records (XAR) and so the XAR patch to the SunOS driver            
            necessary for other PDS compatible CD-ROMs is not                 