NSSDCA Master Catalog Display: Publication Query Results |
B00495-000A Lunar Orbiter 3, Boeing Co., D2-100753, 1, 2 and 4, Seattle, Wa., Feb. 1968. |
B01535-000A Lunar Orbiter project, mission 3 description, NASA-LRC, LOTD-113-0, Langley, VA, Jan. 1967. |
B01543-000A Preliminary geologic evaluation and Apollo landing analysis of areas photographed by Lunar Orbiter 3, NASA-LRC, LWP-407, Hampton, VA, June 1967. |
B03476-000A Lunar Orbiter 3, mission system performance, Boeing Co., NASA-CR-66461, Seattle, WA, Aug. 1967. |
B03477-000A Lunar Orbiter 3, appendices, Boeing Co., NASA-CR-66484, Seattle, WA, Oct. 1967. |
B11254-000A Lunar Orbiter 3, camera calibration report, USAF Aeron. Chart and Inform. Center, Lunar-Planetary Branch,Cartography Div., Unnumbered, St. Louis, Mo., Aug. 1967. |
B15374-000A Cameron, W. S., Vulcanism on the moon, Sci. and Children, 5, No. 4, Dec. 1967. |
B03653-000A Coyle, G. J. and W. S. Cameron, Analysis of the distribution of boulders in the vicinity of small lunar craters, Moon, 3, No. 2, 159-188, Aug. 1971. |
B03588-000A Fryer, R. and C. Titulaer, Crater statistics near the Flamsteed P ring, Comm. Lunar Planet. Lab., 8, Pt. 2, 51-61, Dec. 1968. |
B25668-000A Gornitz, V., Igneous vs impact processes for the origin of the mare lavas, Moon, 6, 357-379, 1973. |
B03554-000A Guest, J. E. and J. B. Murray, Nature and origin of Tsiolkovsky crater lunar farside, Planet. Space Sci., 17, 121-141, May 1969. |
B09473-000A Hansen, T. P., Guide to Lunar Orbiter photographs, NASA, SP-242, Wash., D.C., 1970. |
B06452-000A Hustler, J. B. and T. J. Lauroesch, Bimonthly progress report for contract NASA 9-7625, Eastman Kodak Co., App. and Opt. Div., Unnumbered, Rochester, NY,May-Sept. 1968. |
B01282-000A Lowman, P. D., Jr., Geology of the moon, Sci. Teacher, 34, Nov. 1967. |
B08963-000A Moore, H. J., Estimates of the mechanical properties of lunar surface using tracks and secondary impact craters produced by blocks and boulders, U.S. Geological Survey, NASA-CR-113807 Interagency Rept., Astrogeology22, July 1970. |
B49171-000A Pieters, C. M. and S. Tompkins, Tsiolkovsky crater: A window into crustal processes on the lunar farside, J. Geophys. Res., 104, No. E9, 21935-21949, Sept. 1999. |
B51200-000A Schultz, P. H. and P. D. Spudis, Evidence for ancient mare volcanism, Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 10th, 2899-2918, 1979. |
B11062-000A Soderblom, L. A. and L. A. Lebofsky, Technique for rapid determination of relative ages of lunar areas from orbital photography, J. Geophys. Res., 77, 279-296, Jan. 1972. |
B21461-000A Thompson, T. W., et al, Comparison of infrared, radar, and geologic mapping of lunar craters, Moon, 10, 87-117, May 1974. |
B01256-000A Trask, N. J. and L. C. Rowan, Lunar Orbiter photographs - some fundamental observations, Science, 158, 1529-1535, Dec. 1967. |
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For questions about the NSSDCA Master Catalog, please contact: Dr. David Williams NASA Space Science Data Coordinated Archive, Code 690.1 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771 +1-301-286-1258 david.r.williams@nasa.gov |