NSSDCA Master Catalog Display: Publication Query Results |
B06436-000A Apollo 12 photographic and scientific debriefing, NASA-MSC, Unnumbered, Houston, TX, Aug. 1969. |
B06734-000A Apollo 12 photography 70-mm, 16-mm, and 35-mm frame index, NASA-GSFC, NSSDCA 70-11, Greenbelt, MD, July 1970. |
B07958-000A Apollo photograph evaluation (APE) data book, TRW Syst. Group, Systems Applications Sec., Note No. 70-FMT-858,Redondo Beach, CA, Oct. 1970. |
B19597-000A Apollo mission 12 lunar photography indexes, NASA, TM-X-68809, Wash., D.C., Mar. 1970. |
B06456-000A Anderson, A. T., et al, Apollo 12 lunar photography, NASA-GSFC, NSSDCA 70-09, TM-X-68808, Greenbelt, Md., July 1970. |
B48913-000A Bell, J. F. and B. R. Hawke, Lunar dark-haloed impact craters: Origin and implications for early mare volcanism, J. Geophys. Res., 89, No. B8, 6899-6910, Aug. 1984. |
B00135-000A Borgeson, W. T. and R. M. Batson, Photogrammetric calibration of Apollo film cameras, Department of the Interior, Geological Survey Interagency Rpt.,Astrogeology 15, Wash., D.C., Mar. 1969. |
B09677-000A Dole, C. H., Apollo tilt data determination, Apollo missions 10, 11, and 12, Unpublished, LEC/HASD No. TWP-71-04, Jan. 1971. |
B29493-000A Drury, S. A., et al, Lunar geology case study, Open Univ., S333LG, Milton Keynes, Great Britain, 1976. |
B53047-000A Giguere, T. A., et al, Remote sensing studies of the Lomonosov-Fleming region of the Moon, J. Geophys. Res., 108, No. E11, 5118, doi:10.1029/2003JE002069, 2003. |
B09247-000A Gold, T., Apollo 11 and 12 close-up photography, Icarus, 12, 360-375, May 1970. |
B49168-000A Helfenstein, P. and M. K. Shepard, Submillimeter-scale topography of the lunar regolith, Icarus, 141, No. 1, 107-131, Sept. 1999. |
B04366-000A Holt, A. C., Apollo 12 photographic and TV procedures, NASA-MSC, Unnumbered, Houston, TX, Oct. 1969. |
B08591-000A Jaffe, L. D., Blowing of lunar soil by Apollo 12, Surveyor 3 evidence, Science, 171, 798-799, Feb. 1971. |
B09679-000A Kosofsky, L. J., Lunar stereo photography, PSA J., Unnumbered, Dec. 1970. |
B08949-000A McCoy, A. E., Kodak's role in space photography, Interavia, 25, 445-448, Apr. 1970. |
B39075-000A Pecker, J.-C., Tear sheets from ``astronomie flammarion'', Services Financiers et Administratifs, Rungis, France, 1986. |
B07013-000A Ransford, G. A., et al, Lunar landmark locations - Apollo 8, 10, 11, and 12 missions, NASA-GSFC, TN D-6082, Greenbelt, MD, Nov. 1970. |
B08582-000A Svensson, E. L., Lunar television camera, Spaceflight, 11, 304-307, Sept, 1969. |
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For questions about the NSSDCA Master Catalog, please contact: Dr. David Williams NASA Space Science Data Coordinated Archive, Code 690.1 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771 +1-301-286-1258 david.r.williams@nasa.gov |