NSSDCA Master Catalog Display: Publication Query Results |
B08293-000A Final photographic and TV procedures, Apollo 15, NASA-MSC, MSC-04590, Houston, TX, July 1971. |
B10855-000A Apollo 15 sim bay photographic equipment and mission summary, NASA-MSC, Mapping Sci. Branch, Unnumbered, Houston, Tex., Aug. 1971. |
B10958-000A Apollo 15 - television and photography, J. Soc. Motion Pict. Telev. Eng., 80, No. 12, 977-978, Dec. 1971. |
B14311-000A Apollo 15 index of mapping camera and panoramic camera photographs, NASA-MSC, Unnumbered, Houston, Tex., Jan. 1972. |
B33593-000A Bodger, L., Cinematic analysis of Apollo metric and panoramic photography, Unpublished, Unnumbered, Undated. |
B44251-000A Clark, P., et al, Searching the Sinus Amoris: Using profiles of geological units, impact and volcanic features to characterize a major terrane interface on the moon, Earth, Moon, Planets, 64, 165-185, Feb. 1994. |
B48835-000A Croft, S. K., The scaling of complex craters, J. Geophys. Res., 90, Suppl., C828-C842, Feb. 1985. |
B07737-000A Doyle, F. J., Photographic systems for Apollo, Photogramm. Eng., 36, 1039-1044, Oct. 1970. |
B50782-000A Hawke, B. R., et al, Ilmenite-rich pyroclastic deposits: An ideal lunar resource, Proc. of the 20th Lunar and Planetary Science Conf., Vol. 20, 249-258, Lunarand Planetary Institute, Houston, 1990. |
B15567-000A Head, J. W., Morphology and structure of the Taurus-Littrow highlands (Apollo 17) evidence for their origin and evolution, Moon, 9, No. 3/4, 355-395, March-Apr. 1974. |
B43459-000A Head, J. W., et al, Lunar impact basins: New data for the western limb and far side (Orientale and south pole-Aitken basins) from the first Galileo flyby, J. Geophys. Res., 98, No. E9, 17149-17181, Sept. 1993. |
B22960-000A Hulme, G., Interpretation of lava flow morphology, Geophys. J.R. Astr. Soc., 39, No. 2, 361-383, Nov. 1974. |
B48916-000A Nyquist, L. E., The oblique impact hypothesis and relative probabilities of lunar and martian meteorites, J. Geophys. Res., 89, Suppl., B631-B640, Feb. 1984. |
B44259-000A Patrick, R. R. and R. C. Howe, Volcanism on the terrestrial planets, J. Geolog. Ed., 42, 225, 1994. |
B39075-000A Pecker, J.-C., Tear sheets from ``astronomie flammarion'', Services Financiers et Administratifs, Rungis, France, 1986. |
B23998-000A Pike, R. J., Depth diameter relations of fresh lunar craters - revision from spacecraft data, Geophys. Res. Lett., 1, No. 7, 291-294, Nov. 1974. |
B30056-000A Saito, Y., Sinuous rilles on the Aristarchus and Harbinger formations, In -- 10th Lunar and Planetary Symposium, Vol. 52, 21-25, U of Tokyo,Inst of Space and Aeronautical Sci., Tokyo, Japan, Aug. 1977. |
B51200-000A Schultz, P. H. and P. D. Spudis, Evidence for ancient mare volcanism, Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 10th, 2899-2918, 1979. |
B48674-000A Watters, T. R., Wrinkle ridge assemblages on the terrestrial planets, J. Geophys. Res., 93, No. B9, 10236-10254, Sept. 1988. |
B50690-000A Zimbelman, J. R. and R. A. Craddock, An evaluation of probable bedrock exposure in the Sinus Meridiani region of the Martian highlands, Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci., 21, 546-655, 1991. |
For questions about the NSSDCA Master Catalog, please contact: Dr. David Williams NASA Space Science Data Coordinated Archive, Code 690.1 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771 +1-301-286-1258 david.r.williams@nasa.gov |