NSSDCA Master Catalog Display: Publication Query Results |
B13007-000A Satellite fails, Wash. Post, Unnumbered, A-9, Feb. 11, 1972. |
B17644-000A Particles and fields subsatellite systems handbook, NASA-MSC, Unnumbered, Houston, Tex., July 1971. |
B22519-000A Documentation for Apollo subsatellite particle data at NSSDCA, In -- Apollo Scientific Experimenters Data Handbook, NASA TM-X-58131,Sect. 33, 1-34, Aug. 1974. |
B13524-000A Anderson, K. A., et al, Subsatellite measurements of plasmas and solar particles, NASA, SP-289, 21-1-21-14, Wash., D.C., 1972. |
B14687-000A Anderson, K. A., et al, Solar wind and interplanetary electron measurements on the Apollo 15 subsatellite, J. Geophys. Res., 77, 4611-4626, Sept. 1972. |
B23966-000A Anderson, K. A., et al, Lunar partical shadows and boundary layer experiment - plasma and energetic particles on the Apollo 15 and 16 subsatellites, U. of Calif. Space Sci. Lab., Ssl-SER-15-ISSUE-31, Berkeley, CA, June1974. |
B25233-000A Anderson, K. A., et al, Particles and plasmas in the earth's magnetotail at 60re, In -- Correlated Interplanetary and Magnetospheric Observations, Vol.42, 297-316, D. Reidel Publ. Co., Dordrecht, Holland, 1974. |
B28058-000A Baum, J. J., et al, Design of the particles experiment subsystem of the Apollo lunar subsatellite, IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., NS-19, 632-639, Feb. 1972. |
B37882-000A Hones, E. W., Jr., Studying space plasmas from a lunar base, J. Spacecr. Rockets, 24, No. 1, 74-78, Feb. 1987. |
B46872-000A Hood, L. L., Frozen fields, Earth Moon and Planets, 67, 131-142, 1995. |
B51177-000A Lin, R. P., High spatial resolution measurements of surface magnetic fields of the lunar frontside, Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 10th, 2259-2264, 1979. |
B19644-000A Lin, R. P., et al, Observations of 38 to 344 keV protons and 12 to 100 keV electrons in solar events, In -- 13th Int. Cosmic Ray Conf., Vol. 2, 1624-1629, U of Denver,Denver, CO, 1974. |
B21587-000A McCoy, J. E., et al, Lunar remnant magnetic mapping from orbital observations of mirrored electrons, In -- Lunar Interactions, 52-54, Lunar Sci. Inst., Houston, TX, 1974. |
B22888-000A McCoy, J. E., et al, Magnetotail electric fields observed from lunar orbit, J. Geophys. Res., 80, No. 22, 3217-3224, Aug. 1975. |
B26442-000A McGuire, R. E., Observation of low energy electrons and protons from solar active regions, In -- 14th Intern. Cosmic Ray Conf., 5, 1785-1790, 1975. |
For questions about the NSSDCA Master Catalog, please contact: Dr. David Williams NASA Space Science Data Coordinated Archive, Code 690.1 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771 +1-301-286-1258 david.r.williams@nasa.gov |