NSSDCA Master Catalog Display: Publication Query Results |
B17493-000A Apollo lunar orbital sciences program Alpha and X-ray spectrometers - final report, Am. Sci. and Eng., Incorp., ASE-3015, Cambridge, MA, Aug. 1972. |
B16002-000A Adler, I., X-ray emission spectrography in geology, Elsevier Publishing Co., New York, N.Y., 1966. (QE 435 A23). |
B29304-000A Adler, I., Apollo orbital geochemistry - X-rays, In -- Signif. Accomp. in Sci., 1972, NASA-SP-331, 127-131, Greenbelt,MD, 1973. |
B26922-000A Adler, I., et al, Apollo 15 and 16 X-ray fluorescence experiment, Space Sci. Instrum., 1, No. 3, 305-316, Aug. 1975. |
B29154-000A Adler, I., et al, Apollo 16 geochemical X-ray fluorescence experiment - preliminary report, Science, 177, 256-259, July 1972. |
B16003-000A Adler, I. and J. I. Trombka, Geochemical exploration of the moon and planets, Springer Verlag, New York, N.Y., 1970. (QB 591 A23). |
B19820-000A Adler, I. and J. I. Trombka, Lunar composition from Apollo orbital measurements, IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., NS-20, 24-32, Feb. 1973. |
B27601-000A Adler, I., et al, Results of the Apollo 15 and 16 X-ray experiment, in -- Proc. Fourth Lunar Sci. Conf., 3, 2783-2792, Pergamon Press,New York, NY, 1973. |
B18073-000A Adler, I., et al, Apollo 15 and 16 results of the integrated geochemical experiment, Moon, 7, 487-504, May-June 1973. |
B48991-000A Andre, C. G. and P. L. Strain, The lunar nearside highlands: Evidence of resurfacing, J. Geophys. Res., 88, Suppl., A544-A552, Feb. 1983. |
B51100-000A Andre, C. G., et al, Are early magnesium-rich basalts widespread on the moon?, Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 10th, 1739-1751, 1979. |
B44251-000A Clark, P., et al, Searching the Sinus Amoris: Using profiles of geological units, impact and volcanic features to characterize a major terrane interface on the moon, Earth, Moon, Planets, 64, 165-185, Feb. 1994. |
B48849-000A Davis, P. A. and P. D. Spudis, Petrologic province maps of the lunar highlands derived from orbital geochemical data, J. Geophys. Res., 90, Suppl, D61-D74, Nov. 1985. |
B45172-000A Fischer, E. M. and C. M. Pieters, Lunar surface aluminum and iron concentration from Galileo solid state imaging data, and the mixing of mare and highland materials, J. Geophys. Res., 100, No. E11, 23279-23290, Nov. 1995. |
B51101-000A Hubbard, N., Regional chemical variations in lunar basaltic lavas, Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 10th, 1753-1774, 1979. |
B21451-000A Jagoda, N., et al, Apollo X-ray fluorescence spectrometer, IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., NS-21, 194-200, Feb. 1974. |
B44619-000A Lucey, P. G., et al, Topographic-Compositional units on the Moon and the early evolution of the lunar crust, Science, 266, No. 5192, 1855-1858, Dec. 1994. |
B29750-000A Maxwell, T. A., et al, Mare Crisium: Compositional inferences from low altitude X-ray fluorescence data, in -- Proc. Eighth Lunar Sci. Conf., 1, 933-944, Pergamon Press,New York, NY, 1977. |
B25141-000A Metzger, A. E., et al, Observation of a cosmic gamma-ray burst on Apollo, Astrophys. J., 194, No. 1, Pt. 2, L19-L33, Nov. 1974. |
B51200-000A Schultz, P. H. and P. D. Spudis, Evidence for ancient mare volcanism, Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 10th, 2899-2918, 1979. |
B23979-000A Trombka, J. I., Lunar elemental analysis obtained from the Apollo gamma ray and X-ray remote sensing experiment, NASA-GSFC, TM-X-72195, Greenbelt, MD, 1974. |
For questions about the NSSDCA Master Catalog, please contact: Dr. David Williams NASA Space Science Data Coordinated Archive, Code 690.1 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771 +1-301-286-1258 david.r.williams@nasa.gov |