NSSDCA Master Catalog Display: Publication Query Results |
B19595-000A Apollo 17 preliminary science report, NASA, SP-330, Wash., D.C., 1973. |
B25866-000A Camera calibration report Apollo mission 16, Def. Mapping Agency, Aerospace Cent., Unnumbered, St. Louis, MO, June1974. |
B25867-000A Camera calibration report Apollo mission 17, Def. Mapping Agency, Aerospace Ctr., Unnumbered, St. Louis, Missouri,June 1974. |
B33593-000A Bodger, L., Cinematic analysis of Apollo metric and panoramic photography, Unpublished, Unnumbered, Undated. |
B22702-000A Cameron, W. S., et al, Apollo 17 lunar photography, NASA-GSFC, NSSDCA 74-08, Greenbelt, MD, Dec. 1974. |
B50800-000A Campbell, B. A., et al, A high-resopution radar and CCD imaging study of crater rays in Mare Serenitatis and Mare Nectaris, Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci., 22, 259-274, 1992. |
B51184-000A Gifford, A. W. and T. A. Maxwell, Asymmetric terracing of lunar highland craters: Influence of pre-impact topography and structure, Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 10th, 2597-2607, 1979. |
B46526-000A Grier, J. A. and A. S. McEwen, The small-comet hypothesis: An upper limit to the current impact rate on the Moon, Geophys. Res. Lett., 24, No. 24, 3105-3108, Dec. 1997. |
B44259-000A Patrick, R. R. and R. C. Howe, Volcanism on the terrestrial planets, J. Geolog. Ed., 42, 225, 1994. |
B23998-000A Pike, R. J., Depth diameter relations of fresh lunar craters - revision from spacecraft data, Geophys. Res. Lett., 1, No. 7, 291-294, Nov. 1974. |
B49122-000A Sharpton, V. L. and J. W. Head, III, Stratigraphy and structural evolution of southern Mare Serenitatis: A reinterpretation based on Apollo Lunar Sounder Experiment data, J. Geophys. Res., 87, No. B13, 10983-10998, Dec. 1982. |
B49368-000A Solomon, S. C. and J. W. Head, Vertical movement in mare basins: Relation to mare emplacement, basin tectonics, and lunar thermal history, J. Geophys. Res., 84, No. B4, 1667-1682, Apr. 1979. |
B49088-000A Weitz, C. M. and J. W. Head, III, Spectral properties of the Marius Hills volcanic complex and implications for the formation of lunar domes and cones, J. Geophys. Res., 104, No. E8, 18933-18956, Aug. 1999. |
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For questions about the NSSDCA Master Catalog, please contact: Dr. David Williams NASA Space Science Data Coordinated Archive, Code 690.1 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771 +1-301-286-1258 david.r.williams@nasa.gov |