Heliospheric Trajectory Book 1
Title Page
Preface (descriptions of tables and figures) iii
References iv
Ecliptic Plane Projections (Sun-Earth line fixed)
Pioneer 6 (1965-1990) 1-5
1965-1971 1
1971-1976 2
1976-1981 3
1981-1986 4
1986-1990 5
Pioneer 7 (1966-1976) 6
Pioneer 8 (1967-1978) 7
Pioneer 9 (1968-1990)
1968-1971 8
1971-1975 9
1975-1979 10
1979-1983 11
1983-1987 12
1987-1990 13
Helios A (1975-1990) 14-28
1975-1976 14
1976-1977 15
1977-1978 16
1978-1979 17
1979-1980 18
1980-1981 19
1981-1982 20
1982-1983 21
1983-1984 22
1984-1985 23
1985-1986 24
1986-1987 25
1987-1988 26
1988-1989 27
1989-1990 28
Helios B (1976-1980) 29-33
1976-1977 29
1977-1978 30
1978-1979 31
1979-1980 32
1980-1980 33
Pioneer 10 (1972-1976) 34
Pioneer 11 (1973-1976) 35
Pioneers 10 and 11 (1976-1990) 36-49
1976-1977 36
1977-1978 37
1978-1979 38
1979-1980 39
1980-1981 40
1981-1982 41
1982-1983 42
1983-1984 43
1984-1985 44
1985-1986 45
1986-1987 46
1987-1988 47
1988-1989 48
1989-1990 49
Voyagers 1 and 2 (1977-1990) 50-61
1977-1979 50
1979-1980 51
1980-1981 52
1981-1982 53
1982-1983 54
1983-1984 55
1984-1985 56
1985-1986 57
1986-1987 58
1987-1988 59
1988-1989 60
1989-1990 61
Ecliptic Plane Projections (Inertial)
Pioneers 10 and 11, Voyagers 1 and 2 (1981-1990) 62
Halley's Comet, Helios A, Pioneers 6 and 9,Mercury,
Venus, Earth 1986 63
Heliographic Latitude
Pioneers 10 and 11 (1972-1990) 64
Voyagers 1 and 2 (1977-1990) 65
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