ISIS/Alouette Topside Sounder Data Restoration Project

Description of ISIS 2 Pass Header

The information contained in items 1-10 are entered by the A/D operator. Items 1-7 and 9 are from the tape log sheets.
 1. Satellite Number  (1:Alouette 1, 2:Alouette 2, 3:ISIS 1, 4:ISIS 2)     
 2. Station Name  (3 letter code)
 3. Station Code  (2 digit code)
 4. Tape Number  (5 digit number plus letter to indicate pass order on tape)
 5. Pass Number  (5 digit number)
 6. Start Date and Time of Data Recording  (YY/MM/DD [YYDOY] HH:MM:SS)
 7. End Date and Time of Data Recording  (YY/MM/DD [YYDOY] HH:MM:SS)
 8. A/D Conversion Date and Time  (YY/MM/DD [YYDOY] HH:MM:SS)
 9. Comments From Station Log
10. A/D Operator Comments
11. Number of ionogram headers included in this file (s)

The following will be repeated for each of the ionogram headers:
If a specific word could not be determined during processing then it was omitted.

12. Two Lines Containing Filenames of Files Created (1st header)             A36
13. Some Quality Control Comments  (Variable number of comments and lengths) Alpha format.
14. Satellite (ISIS 1, ISIS 2, etc.)                                         A6
15. Station (3 LETTER CODE)                                                  A3
16. Transmitter Power (400 W (PRI) or 400 W (SEC))                           A12
17. Sounder/Receiver (ON/OFF)                                                A3
18. Swept Frequency Range (0.1 - 10 MHz or 0.1 - 20 MHz)                     A12
19. DMODE (ON/OFF)                                                           A3
20. GMODE (ON/OFF)                                                           A3
21. Sounder Mixed Mode (ON/OFF)                                              A3
22. AIT Mode (ON/OFF)                                                        A3
23. Frequency of Fixed Frequency (MHz)                                       A9
24. Year (Last 2 Digits)           (Frame Sync UT)                           I3
25. Day of Year                    (Frame Sync UT)                           I3
26. Hour                           (Frame Sync UT)                           I3
27. Minute                         (Frame Sync UT)                           I3
28. Second (microseconds)          (Frame Sync UT)                           F10.6
29. LMT (HHMM)                     (At time of Frame Sync)                   I4
30. Geographic Latitude (degree)   (At time of Frame Sync)                   F6.2
31. Geographic Longitude (degree)  (At time of Frame Sync)                   F7.2
32. Height (km)                    (At time of Frame Sync)                   F6.0
33. Geomagnetic Local Time (HHMM)  (At time of Frame Sync)                   I4
34. Geomagnetic Latitude (degree)  (At time of Frame Sync)                   F6.2
35. Geomagnetic Longitude (degree) (At time of Frame Sync)                   F7.2
36. Gyro Frequency (MHz)           (At time of Frame Sync)                   F6.3
37. Invariant Latitude (Deg)       (At time of Frame Sync)                   F6.2
38. Dip (Deg)                      (At time of Frame Sync)                   I4
39. Solar zenith angle (Deg)       (At time of Frame Sync)                   I5
40. Sunlight (SL/NSL)              (At time of Frame Sync)                   A3
41. L Shell                        (At time of Frame Sync)                   F7.2
42. CEP (ON/OFF)                                                             A3
43. VLF Receiver (ON/OFF)                                                    A3
44. RPA (ON/OFF)                                                             A3
45. IMS (ON/OFF)                                                             A3
46. SPS (ON/OFF)                                                             A3
47. EPD (ON/OFF)                                                             A3
48. Red Line Photometer (ON/OFF)  {1st header}                               A3

11+37+1. Two Lines Containing Filenames of Files Created {2nd header}        A36
11+2*37. Red Line Photometer (ON/OFF)    {2nd header}                        A3


11+(s-1)*37+1. Two Lines Containing Filenames of Files Created {last header} A36
11+s*37. Red Line Photometer (ON/OFF)    {last header}                       A3


1.   Satellite Number:                   4  (ISIS 2)
2.   Station Name:                       RES
3.   Station Code:                       43
4.   Tape Number:                        02428A01
5.   Pass Number:                        18403
6.   Start Time of Data Recording:       75/03/23  (75082)  19:55:45
7.   End Time of Data Recording:         75/03/23  (75082)  20:04:30
8.   A/D Conversion Date and Time:        1/01/03  ( 1003)  15:26:14
9.   Comments From Station Log:          SND ON,VLF OFF,WWV GOOD,A.T.O. AT 200427 
10.  A/D Operator Comments:              GOOD SIGNAL 
11.  Number of ionogram headers:         38

Subheader for 1st ionogram:

12. IONOGRAMS:                           A4RES02428A01_18403_75082_195657.BIN
13. Comments:                            0 OVERFLOW SCAN LINES
                                         SWEPT FREQUENCY SOUNDING
                                         1 FREQUENCY MARKER(S) NOT IDENTIFIED IN VIDEO
                                         0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
14. SATELLITE:                           ISIS 2
15. STATION:                             RES
16. POWER:                               400 W (SEC)
17. SNDREC:                              ON
18. SF:                                  0.1 - 10 MHz
19. DMODE:                               ON
20. GMODE:                               OFF
21. MIXED-MODE:                          OFF
22. AITMODE:                             OFF
23. FIXED FREQ:                          1.95 MHz
24. YR:                                  75
25. DAY:                                 82
26. HR:                                  19
27. MIN:                                 56
28. SEC:                                 57.245000
29. LMT:                                 1623
30. GGLAT:                               67.40
31. GGLONG:                              -53.61
32. HGT:                                 1392.
33. GMLTM:                               1721
34. GMLAT:                               78.28
35. GMLONG:                              30.15
36. FH:                                  0.898
37. INVLAT:                              77.26
38. DIP:                                 81
39. CHI:                                 79
40. SUN:                                 SL
41. L:                                   20.57
42. CEP:                                 ON
43. VLF:                                 OFF
44. RPA:                                 ON
45. IMS:                                 ON
46. SPS:                                 OFF
47. EPD:                                 ON
48. RLP:                                 OFF
49. ASP:                                 OFF

Go to the ISIS/Alouette Data Restoration Home Page

For more information about the Alouette/ISIS missions, please contact Dieter Bilitza

NASA Official: J. H. King,
Last Updated: 3 November 1999, DKB