ISIS/Alouette Project Poster - 1995 Spring AGU
The Investigation of Electron Density Profiles, Stimulated Plasma Emissions and
Natural Radio Emissions Using Digital ISIS 1 and 2 Topside Sounder Ionograms
R F Benson (NASA/GSFC, Laboratory for Extraterrestrial Physics, Greenbelt, MD 20771,
301-286-4037; u2rfb@
Presented at the Spring 1995 AGU as paper SM41A-3
- Produce digital topside ionograms from the analog tapes
- Archive in National Space Science Data Center(NSSDC)
- NSSDC on-line availability of digital topside ionograms
Unique long-term observations of:
- solar wind/neutral atm energy exchange processes
- geophysical phenomena relevant to other space plasmas
- signatures of historic atmospheric phenomena
- Select representative ISIS telemetry stations
- Determine NSSDC topside-ionogram film inventory
- Select desired extension of above
- Ship telemetry tapes from Canada to Goddard
- Convert analog sounder data to digital topside ionograms
- Deposit in NSSDC for on-line availability
- Figure 1.
Sample ionogram from ISIS 2(same as seen on top of ISIS page).
- Figure 2.
Scaled X and O and calculated O mode trace from the above sample
ISIS 2 ionogram.
- Figure 3.
Calculated electron density profile from the scaled X trace from the
above sample ISIS 2 ionogram.
Go to the ISIS/Alouette Project Page
For more information about these missions, please contact
Dr. Dieter K. Bilitza
NASA Official: J. H. King,