Publications based on data from the
Alouette/ISIS data Restoration Project
Benson, R. F., Ionospheric investigations using digital
Alouette/ISIS topside ionograms, in 1996 Ionospheric Effects Symposium, edited by J. M. Goodman, pp. 202-209, Technology for
Communications International/BR Communications, Alexandria, Virginia, 1996.
Pulinets, S. A., and R. F. Benson, Radio-frequency sounders
in space, in Review of Radio Science 1996-1999, edited by W. R. Stone, pp. 711-733, Oxford University Press,
Oxford, 1999.
Benson, R. F., and J. M. Grebowsky, Extremely low
ionospheric peak altitudes in the polar hole region, Radio Sci., 36, 277-285,
Huang X., B. Reinisch, D. Bilitza, and R. Benson, Electron
density profiles of the topside ionosphere, Annals Geophys. 45, #1, 125-130, 2002.
Bilitza, D., B. Reinisch, R. Benson, J. Grebowsky, N.
Papitashvili, X. Huang, W. Schar, and K. Hills, Online data base of satellite
sounder and insitu measurements covering two solar cycles, Adv. Space Res. 31, #3, 769-774, 2003.
Bilitza, D., X. Huang, B. Reinisch, R. Benson, H.K. Hills,
W.B. Schar, Topside Ionogram Scaler With True Height Algorithm (TOPIST):
Automated processing of ISIS topside ionograms, Radio Sci., Vol. 39, No. 1, RS1S27 10.1029/2002RS002840, 2004.
Benson, R. F., and V. A. Osherovich, Application of
ionospheric topside-sounding results to magnetospheric physics and
astrophysics, Radio Sci., 39, RS1S28, doi:10.1029/2002RS002834, 2004
Marinov P., I. Kutiev, and S. Watanabe, Empirical model of
O+-H+ transition height based on topside sounder data, Adv. Space Res. 34 (9), 2021-2025, 2004.
Osherovich, V. A., R. F. Benson, and J. Fainberg,
Electromagnetic bounded states and challenges of plasma spectroscopy, IEEE
Trans. Plasma Sci., 33, 599-608, 2005.
Kutiev I., P. Marinov, and S. Watanabe, Model of topside
ionosphere scale height based on topside sounder data, Adv. Space Res. 37(5), 943-950, 2006.
Belehaki A., P. Marinov, I. Kutiev, N. Jakowski, and S.
Stankov, Comparison of the topside ionosphere scale height determined by
topside sounders model and bottomside Digisonde profiles, Adv. Space Res. 37(5), 963-966, 2006.
Webb P., R. Benson, J. Grebowsky, Altitude variation of
middle latitude topside ionospheric electron-density profiles, Adv. Space
Res. 37(5), 951-957, 2006.
Coisson P., S. Radicella, R. Leitinger, and B. Nava,
Topside electron density in IRI and NeQuick, Adv. Space Res. 37(5), 937-942, 2006James, H.G., Effects on
transionospheric HF propagation observed by ISIS at middle and auroral
latitudes, Adv. Space Res., 38,
2303-2312, doi: 10.1016/j.asr.2005.03.114, 2006.
Bilitza, D., B. W. Reinisch, S. M. Radicella, S. Pulinets,
T. Gulyaeva, and L. Triskova, Improvements of the International Reference
Ionosphere model for the topside electron density profile, Radio Sci., 41,
RS5S15, doi:10.1029/2005RS003370, 2006.
James, H. G., R. G. Gillies, G. C. Hussey, and P. Prikryl,
HF fades caused by multiple wave fronts detected by a dipole antenna in the
ionosphere, Radio Sci., 41, RS4018, doi:4010.1029/2005RS003385, 2006.
Webb, P. A., R. F. Benson, and J. Grebowsky, Technique for
determining mid-latitude O+/H+ transition heights from topside ionograms,
Radio Sci., 41, RS6S34, doi:10.1029/2005RS003391, 2006.
Muldrew, D. B., The Poynting vector applied to the complex
refractive index in a hot plasma near the electron-cyclotron frequency, and to
the cyclotron resonance observed on topside ionograms, Radio Sci., in press, 2006.
Kutiev, I. and P. Marinov, Topside sounder model of scale
height and transition height characteristics of the ionosphere, Adv. Space
Res., 39/5, 759-766, 2007.
Reinisch, B. W., P. Nsumei, X. Huang, and D. Bilitza,
Modeling the F2 Topside and Plasmasphere for IRI Using IMAGE/RPI and ISIS Data,
Adv. Space Res. 39/5, 731-738, 2007.
Gulyaeva, T. and D. Gallagher, Comparison of two IRI
plasmasphere extensions with GPS-TEC observations, Adv. Space Res., 39/5, 744-749, 2007.
Gillies, R. G., G. C. Hussey, H. G. James, G. J. Sofko, and
D. AndrŽ, Transionospheric modelling results for ISIS II in preparation for
ePOP, Annales Geophysicae, 25, 87-97,
Gillies, R. G.: Modelling of Transionospheric HF Radio Wave
Propagation for the ISIS II and ePOP Satellites, M.Sc. Thesis, Institute of
Space and Atmospheric Studies, University of Saskatchewan, 2006.
Nsumei, P. A., On the polar cap plasma properties and
processes: electron density distribution, flow, and driving forces, Ph.D.
Thesis, University of Massachusetts Lowell, 2006.