SPACEWARN Bulletin Number 478

A publication of NASA's National Space Science Data Center/World Data Center-A for Rockets and Satellites on behalf of IUWDS/COSPAR
August 25, 1993

SPACEWARN Activities

All information in this publication was received between July 25, 1993, and August 24, 1993.

A. List of New International Designations and Launch Dates.

USSPACECOM Catalog numbers are in parentheses.

1993-052A (22745) Progress M-19 Aug 10  1993-050A (22739) NOAA 13      Aug 09
     051A (22741) Cosmos 2261   Aug 10       049A (22729) Molniya 3-45 Aug 04

B. Text of Launch Announcements.

Progress M-19, a C.I.S. automatic cargo craft, was launched at 22:23 UT to dock with and deliver supplies to MIR space station. Initial orbital parameters are period 88.5 min, apogee 243 km, perigee 192 km, and inclination 51.6 deg.

Cosmos 2261, a C.I.S. spacecraft, was launched from Plesetsk cosmodrome by a Molniya booster. Initial orbital parameters are period 11 hr, 48 min; apogee 39,400 km; perigee 613 km; and inclination 62.8 deg.

NOAA 13, a U.S.A. meteorological spacecraft, was launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base by an Atlas-E rocket. It carried instruments to monitor atmosphere and clouds; also on board were instruments to monitor energetic electrons and protons. It has relaying capability for data gathered from floating buoys, balloons, and remote ground stations. There have been no radio communications with the spacecraft since August 21, 1993, because of failure of power from the solar panels to the instruments. Initial orbital parameters are period 102 min, apogee 876 km, perigee 860 km, and inclination 98.9 km.

Molniya 3-45, a C.I.S. communications spacecraft, was launched from Plesetsk cosmodrome by a Molniya booster at 00:52 UT. Initial orbital parameters are period 11 hr, 42 min; apogee 39,147 km; perigee 455 km; and inclination 62.7 deg.

C. Spacecraft Particularly Suited for International Participation

Category I
  1. Spacecraft with essentially continuous radio beacons on frequencies less than 150 MHz, or higher frequencies if especially suited for ionospheric or geodetic studies. To see a list select here.

  2. Global Positioning System satellites useful for navigational purposes and geodetic studies. To see a list select here.

  3. Actual decays/landings of payload spacecraft and rocket bodies (R/B) only. Additional information is not available.

    Designations          Common Name               1993
    1993-052B (22746)    R/B PROGRESS M-19         13 Aug
    1993-047A (22721)    COSMOS 2260               05 Aug
    1993-045A (22716)    COSMOS 2259               25 Jul
    1993-047B (22722)    R/B COSMOS 2260           24 Jul
    1993-005A (22319)    SOYUZ TM-16 Landed on     22 Jul
    1993-045B (22717)    R/B COSMOS 2259           19 Jul
  4. Miscellaneous Items. (This section contains information/data that are entered on occasion and may not be repeated in each issue of the SPACEWARN Bulletin.)

    Mars Observer (1992-063A) is reported to have lost contact with the tracking stations since August 20, 1993, just prior to the scheduled Mars orbital phase.

    Hipparcos (1989-062B) ended its mission with the final loss of communication with the ground stations. During its mission it has provided accurate positions of 100,000 stars.

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The World Warning Agency for Satellites,
National Space Science Data Center, Mail Code 633
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771

Page Curator:
Dr. Edwin V. Bell, II,, +1-301-286-1187
NSSDC, Mail Code 633, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771

NASA Official: J. H. King,
Last updated: 12 April 1999, EVB II