SPACEWARN Bulletin Number 492

C. Spacecraft Particularly Suited for International Participation: Category I

Spacecraft with essentially continuous radio beacons on frequencies less than 150 MHz, or higher frequencies if especially suited for ionospheric or geodetic studies.("NNSS" denotes U.S. Navy Navigational Satellite System; an asterisk [*] indicates updated/new information since the last issue.) Updates or corrections to the list will be most welcome. SPACEWARN thanks Ryan Rudnicki, SWT State University, Texas, for an update to this list.

Designations,          Epoch, Frequency, Power,
National Name          and Orbit Information            Remarks

1964-83D (965)         February 1, 1993
TRANSIT 5BN 5          136.65 MHz
                       Inclination: 89.76 deg
1966-110A (02608)      June 16, 1988            [Weak signals.  VHF translator
ATS 1                  137.35 MHz               on ~12 hr/day.]
                       Inclination: 14.0 deg
1967-111A (03029)      June 16, 1988            [Weak signals.]
ATS 3                  136.37 MHz
                       137.35 MHz
                       Location: 105 deg W
                       Inclination: 12.1 deg
1971-93A (5580)        February 1, 1993
X 3                    137.56 MHz
                       Inclination: 82.05 deg
1973-081A (06909)      September 15, 1988       [Operational transit.
OSCAR (NAV) 20         150 MHz at 0.75 W        Also known as NNSS 30200.]
                       400 MHz at 1.25 W
                       Inclination: 89.9 deg
1975-100A (08366)      June 29, 1991
GOES 1                 136.38 MHz
                       Location: 81.2 deg W
                       Inclination: 10.5 deg
1977-048A (10061)      October 24, 1993
GOES 2                 136.38 MHz
                       Location: 135.95 deg W
                       Inclination: 9.4 deg
1978-012A (10637)      December 26, 1991
IUE                    136.86 MHz
                       Inclination: 33.201 deg
1978-062A (10953)      October 24, 1993         [Frequency drifts caused by
GOES 3                 136.38 MHz               temperature variations.]
                       Location: 176.2 deg W
                       Inclination: 8.0 deg
1981-044A (12458)      March 4, 1991            [Stored in orbit at
NOVA I                 150 MHz at 3.00 W        maintenance frequency.
                       400 MHz at 5.00 W        Also known as NNSS 30480.]
                       Inclination: 90.0 deg
1981-122A (13010)      March 21, 1993
MARECS-A               137.17 MHz
                       Location: 22.8 deg E
                       Inclination: 5.7 deg
1984-110A (15362)      December 24, 1992        [Operational transit.
NOVA III               150 MHz at 3.00 W        Also known as NNSS 30500.]
                       400 MHz at 5.00 W
                       Inclination: 90.0 deg
1984-114B (15386)      March 21, 1993
MARECS-B2              137.17 MHz
                       Location: 14.9 deg W
                       Inclination: 3.6 deg
1984-123A (15427)     *Otcober,28 1994
NOAA 9                 137.62 MHz
                       137.77 MHz
                       Inclination: 99.158 deg
1985-066B (15936)      February 26, 1991        [Stored in orbit at
OSCAR (NAV) 30         150 MHz at 1.00 W        maintenance frequency.
                       400 MHz at 2.00 W        Also known as NNSS 30300.]
                       Inclination: 89.9 deg
1986-017A (16609)      October 27, 1991
MIR                    145.550 MHz
                       Inclination: 51.604 deg
1986-073A (16969)     *October 28, 1994
NOAA 10                137.50 MHz
                       136.77 MHz
                       Inclination: 98.549 deg
1986-088A (17070)      September 15, 1988       [Experimental.
POLAR BEAR             150 MHz at 0.75 W        Also known as NNSS 30170.]
                       400 MHz at 1.25 W
                       Inclination: 89.9 deg
1987-18A (17527)       February 1, 1993
MOS 1A                 136.11 MHz
                       Inclination: 99.09 deg
1987-054A (18129)      October 27, 1991
COSMOS 1861            29.357 MHz
                       29.403 MHz
                       29.407 MHz
                       Inclination: 82.926 deg
1987-080A (18361)      December 5, 1988         [Operational transit.
OSCAR (NAV) 27         150 MHz at 0.75 W        Also known as NNSS 30270.]
                       400 MHz at 1.25 W
                       Inclination: 90.3 deg
1987-080B (18362)      February 7, 1991         [Operational transit.
OSCAR (NAV) 29         150 MHz at 0.75 W        Also known as NNSS 30290.]
                       400 MHz at 1.25 W
                       Inclination: 90.3 deg
1988-033A (19070)      January 31, 1989         [Operational transit.
OSCAR (NAV) 23         150 MHz at 0.75 W        Also known as NNSS 30230.]
                       400 MHz at 1.25 W
                       Inclination: 90.4 deg
1988-033B (19071)      February 26, 1991        [Operational transit.
OSCAR (NAV) 32         150 MHz at 1.00 W        Also known as NNSS 30320.]
                       400 MHz at 2.00 W
                       Inclination: 90.4 deg
1988-051A (19215)      March 31, 1993           [Transmits on command.]
METEOSAT 3             137.080 MHz
                       Location: 72.8 deg W
                       Inclination: 0.7 deg
1988-052A (19223)      September 15, 1988       [Operational transit.
NOVA II                150 MHz at 3.00 W        Also known as NNSS 30490.]
                       400 MHz at 5.00 W
                       Inclination: 90.0 deg
1988-074A (19419)      September 15, 1988       [Stored in orbit at an
OSCAR (NAV) 25         150 MHz at 0.75 W        offset frequency.
                       400 MHz at 1.25 W        Also known as NNSS 30250.
                       Inclination: 90.0 deg
1988-074B (19420)      March 8, 1990            [Stored in orbit at an
OSCAR (NAV) 31         150 MHz at 1.00 W        offset frequency.
                       400 MHz at 2.00 W        Also known as NNSS 30310.]
                       Inclination: 98.971 deg
1988-089A (19531)     *October 28, 1994
NOAA 11                137.62 MHz
                       137.77 MHz
                       Inclination: 99.059 deg
1990-13A (20478)       February 1, 1993
MOS 1B                 136.11 MHz
                       Inclination: 99.09 deg
1990-017A (20508)      August 6, 1994           [INACTIVE. Replaced by
NADEZHDA 2             150 MHz                  NADEZHDA 4.]
                       400 MHz
                       Inclination: 82.955 deg
1990-086A (20826)      October 27, 1991
METEOR 2-20            137.850 MHz
                       Inclination: 82.530 deg
1991-06A (21087)       January 1, 1993
INFORMATOR 1           145.815 MHz
                       Inclination: 82.94 deg
1991-86E (21835)       February 1, 1993
MAGION 3               137.85 MHz
                       Inclination: 82.57 deg
1991-007A (21089)      July 18, 1991
COSMOS 2123            150 MHz
                       400 MHz
                       Inclination: 82.923 deg
1991-019A (21152)      July 18, 1991
NADEZHDA 3             150 MHz
                       400 MHz
                       Inclination: 82.929 deg
1991-030A (21232)      October 27, 1991
METEOR 3-4             137.300 MHz
                       Inclination: 82.548 deg
1991-032A (21236)      October 28, 1994
NOAA 12                137.500 MHz
                       136.770 MHz
                       Inclination: 98.723 deg
1991-081A (21796)      December 6, 1993         [INACTIVE.
COSMOS 2173            149.97 MHZ               Replaced by COSMOS 2239.]
                       388.84 MHz
                       Inclination: 82.955 deg
1992-008A (21875)      May 25, 1994             [INACTIVE.
COSMOS 2180            149.94 MHz               Replaced by COSMOS 2279.]
                       399.84 MHz
                       Inclination: 82.931 deg
1992-020A (21937)      December 24, 1992
COSMOS 2184            149.91 MHz
                       399.76 MHz
                       Inclination: 82.934 deg
1992-036A (22006)      December 6, 1993         [INACTIVE. Replaced by
COSMOS 2195            149.97 MHz               reactivated COSMOS 2135 on
                       399.92 MHz               August 3, 1993.]
                       Inclination: 82.934 deg
1992-073A (22207)      November 3, 1992         [Replacing 1991-059A,
COSMOS 2218            149.94 MHz               COSMOS  2154, in plane #3
                       399.84 MHz               on November 4, 1992.]
                       Inclination: 82.923 deg
1993-001A (22307)      January 1, 1993          [Replacing 1992-12A, COSMOS
COSMOS 2230            150.00 MHz               2181, in plane #11 on
                       400.00 MHz               January 20, 1993.]
                       Inclination: 82.945 deg
1993-008A (22487)      February 18, 1993        [Replacing 1991-029A, COSMOS
COSMOS 2233            150.03 MHz               2142, in plane #5 on February
                       400.08 MHz               17, 1993.]
                       Inclination: 82.944 deg
1993-020A (22590)      December 6, 1993         [Replacing 1991-081A, COSMOS
COSMOS 2239            149.97 MHz               2173, in plane #4 on April 7,
                       399.84 MHz               1993.]
                       Inclination: 82.93 deg
1993-070A (22888)      December 6, 1993         [Replacing 1991-59A, COSMOS
COSMOS 2266            149.97 MHz               2135, in plane #1 on November
                       399.84 MHz               10, 1993.]
                       Inclination: 82.95 deg
1994-024A (23092)      May 25, 1994             [Replacing 1992-08A,
COSMOS 2279            149.94 MHz               COSMOS 2180, in plane #6
                       399.84 MHz               on May 11, 1994.]
                       Inclination: 82.946 deg
1994-041A (23179)      July 16, 1994            [Replacing NADEZHDA,
NADEZHDA 4             150.00 MHz               1990-017A, in plane #14
                       400.00 MHz               on July 28, 1994.]
                       Inclination: 82.946 deg

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Questions/comments about the content of these pages should be directed to:
The World Warning Agency for Satellites,
National Space Science Data Center, Mail Code 633
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771

Page Curator:
Dr. Edwin V. Bell, II,, +1-301-286-1187
NSSDC, Mail Code 633, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771

NASA Official: J. H. King,
Last updated: 23 May 1995, EVB II