1994-083A (23431) Cosmos 2298 Dec 20 -079A (23413) ORION Nov 29 -082A (23427) LUCH Dec 16 -078A (23411) GEO-IK Nov 24 -081A (23420) Molniya 1-88 Dec 14 -077A (23404) Cosmos 2297 Nov 24 -080A (23415) DFH 3 Nov 29
The GPS 2-NN series orbit in six distinct planes that are 60 deg apart. Each plane has four "slots." Following are the members of the planes/slots:
PLANE RAAN OF PLANE SLOT-1 SLOT-2 SLOT-3 SLOT-4 A 255 2-21 2-12 2-15 2-04 B 315 2-18 2-07 2-02 2-22 C 16 2-24 2-13 2-19 2-20 D 78 2-11 2-09 2-05 2-23 E 138 2-01 2-08 2-03 2-10 F 195 2-16 2-14 2-06 2-17
Designations Common Name 1994 1994-082B (23427) R/B LUCH 19 Dec 1993-018A (22585) COSMOS 2238 08 Dec 1994-076D (23399) R/B COSMOS 2294-2296 20 Nov
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