SPACEWARN Bulletin Number 502

C. Spacecraft Particularly Suited for International Participation: Category I

Spacecraft with essentially continuous radio beacons on frequencies less than 150 MHz, or higher frequencies if especially suited for ionospheric or geodetic studies.(NNSS denotes U.S. Navy Navigational Satellite System; an asterisk [*] indicates updated/new information since the last issue.) Updates or corrections to the list will be most welcome.
Designations          Epoch, Frequency, Power   Remarks
                      and Orbit Information

1966-110A (02608)      June 16, 1988            [Weak signals. VHF translator
ATS 1                  137.35 MHz               on ~12 hr/day.]
                       Inclination: 14.0 deg
1967-111A (03029)      June 16, 1988            [Weak signals.]
ATS 3                  136.37 MHz
                       137.35 MHz
                       Location: 105 deg W
                       Inclination: 12.1 deg
1971-93A (5580)        February 1, 1993
X 3                    137.56 MHz
                       Inclination: 82.05 deg
1973-081A (06909)      September 15, 1988       [Operational transit.
OSCAR (NAV) 20         150 MHz at 0.75 W        Also known as NNSS 30200.]
                       400 MHz at 1.25 W
                       Inclination: 89.9 deg
1975-100A (08366)      June 29, 1991
GOES 1                 136.38 MHz
                       Location: 81.2 deg W
                       Inclination: 10.5 deg
1977-048A (10061)      October 24, 1993
GOES 2                 136.38 MHz
                       Location: 135.95 deg W
                       Inclination: 9.4 deg
1978-012A (10637)      December 26, 1991
IUE                    136.86 MHz
                       Inclination: 33.201 deg
1978-062A (10953)      October 24, 1993         [Frequency drifts caused by
GOES 3                 136.38 MHz               temperature variations.]
                       Location: 176.2 deg W
                       Inclination: 8.0 deg
1981-044A (12458)      March 4, 1991            [Stored in orbit at
NOVA I                 150 MHz at 3.00 W        maintenance frequency.
                       400 MHz at 5.00 W        Also known as NNSS 30480.]
                       Inclination: 90.0 deg
1981-122A (13010)      March 21, 1993
MARECS-A               137.17 MHz
                       Location: 22.8 deg E
                       Inclination: 5.7 deg
1984-110A (15362)      December 24, 1992        [Operational transit.
NOVA III               150 MHz at 3.00 W        Also known as NNSS 30500.]
                       400 MHz at 5.00 W
                       Inclination: 90.0 deg
1984-114B (15386)      March 21, 1993
MARECS-B2              137.17 MHz
                       Location: 14.9 deg W
                       Inclination: 3.6 deg
1984-123A (15427)      January 29, 1995
NOAA 9                 137.62 MHz (Inoperative)
                       137.77 MHz
                       Inclination: 99.158 deg
1985-066B (15936)      February 26, 1991        [Stored in orbit at
OSCAR (NAV) 30         150 MHz at 1.00 W        maintenance frequency.
                       400 MHz at 2.00 W        Also known as NNSS 30300.]
                       Inclination: 89.9 deg
1986-017A (16609)      October 27, 1991
MIR                    145.550 MHz
                       Inclination: 51.604 deg
1986-073A (16969)      October 28, 1994
NOAA 10                137.50 MHz
                       136.77 MHz
                       Inclination: 98.549 deg
1986-088A (17070)      September 15, 1988       [Experimental.
POLAR BEAR             150 MHz at 0.75 W        Also known as NNSS 30170.]
                       400 MHz at 1.25 W
                       Inclination: 89.9 deg
1987-18A (17527)       February 1, 1993
MOS 1A                 136.11 MHz
                       Inclination: 99.09 deg
1987-054A (18129)      October 27, 1991
COSMOS 1861            29.357 MHz
                       29.403 MHz
                       29.407 MHz
                       Inclination: 82.926 deg
1987-080A (18361)      December 5, 1988         [Operational transit.
OSCAR (NAV) 27         150 MHz at 0.75 W        Also known as NNSS 30270.]
                       400 MHz at 1.25 W
                       Inclination: 90.3 deg
1987-080B (18362)      February 7, 1991         [Operational transit.
OSCAR (NAV) 29         150 MHz at 0.75 W        Also known as NNSS 30290.]
                       400 MHz at 1.25 W
                       Inclination: 90.3 deg
1988-033A (19070)      January 31, 1989         [Operational transit.
OSCAR (NAV) 23         150 MHz at 0.75 W        Also known as NNSS 30230.]
                       400 MHz at 1.25 W
                       Inclination: 90.4 deg
1988-033B (19071)      February 26, 1991        [Operational transit.
OSCAR (NAV) 32         150 MHz at 1.00 W        Also known as NNSS 30320.]
                       400 MHz at 2.00 W
                       Inclination: 90.4 deg
1988-051A (19215)      March 31, 1993           [Transmits on command.]
METEOSAT 3             137.080 MHz
                       Location: 72.8 deg W
                       Inclination: 0.7 deg
1988-052A (19223)      September 15, 1988       [Operational transit.
NOVA II                150 MHz at 3.00 W        Also known as NNSS 30490.]
                       400 MHz at 5.00 W
                       Inclination: 90.0 deg
1988-074A (19419)      September 15, 1988       [Stored in orbit at an
OSCAR (NAV) 25         150 MHz at 0.75 W        offset frequency.
                       400 MHz at 1.25 W        Also known as NNSS 30250.]
                       Inclination: 90.0 deg
1988-074B (19420)      March 8, 1990            [Stored in orbit at an
OSCAR (NAV) 31         150 MHz at 1.00 W        offset frequency.
                       400 MHz at 2.00 W        Also known as NNSS 30310.]
                       Inclination: 98.971 deg
1988-089A (19531)      January 29, 1995
NOAA 11                137.62 MHz (Inoperative)
                       137.77 MHz (Inoperative?)
                       Inclination: 99.059 deg
1990-13A (20478)       February 1, 1993
MOS 1B                 136.11 MHz
                       Inclination: 99.09 deg
1990-017A (20508)      August 6, 1994           [INACTIVE. Replaced by
NADEZHDA 2             150 MHz                  NADEZHDA 4.]
                       400 MHz
                       Inclination: 82.955 deg
1990-086A (20826)      October 27, 1991
METEOR 2-20            137.850 MHz
                       Inclination: 82.530 deg
1991-06A (21087)       January 1, 1993
INFORMATOR 1           145.815 MHz
                       Inclination: 82.94 deg
1991-86E (21835)       February 1, 1993
MAGION 3               137.85 MHz
                       Inclination: 82.57 deg
1991-007A (21089)      July 18, 1991
COSMOS 2123            150 MHz
                       400 MHz
                       Inclination: 82.923 deg
1991-019A (21152)      July 18, 1991
NADEZHDA 3             150 MHz
                       400 MHz
                       Inclination: 82.929 deg
1991-030A (21232)      October 27, 1991
METEOR 3-4             137.300 MHz
                       Inclination: 82.548 deg
1991-032A (21236)      October 28, 1994
NOAA 12                137.500 MHz
                       136.770 MHz
                       Inclination: 98.723 deg
1992-056A (21655)      January 29, 1995
METEOR 3-5             137.85 MHz
                       Inclination 82.55 deg
1991-081A (21796)      December 6, 1993         [INACTIVE.
COSMOS 2173            149.97 MHZ               Replaced by COSMOS 2239.]
                       388.84 MHz
                       Inclination: 82.955 deg
1992-008A (21875)      May 25, 1994             [INACTIVE.
COSMOS 2180            149.94 MHz               Replaced by COSMOS 2279.]
                       399.84 MHz
                       Inclination: 82.931 deg
1992-020A (21937)      December 24, 1992
COSMOS 2184            149.91 MHz
                       399.76 MHz
                       Inclination: 82.934 deg
1992-036A (22006)      December 6, 1993         [INACTIVE. Replaced by
COSMOS 2195            149.97 MHz               reactivated COSMOS 2135 on
                       399.92 MHz               August 3, 1993.]
                       Inclination: 82.934 deg
1992-073A (22207)      November 3, 1992         [Replacing 1991-059A,
COSMOS 2218            149.94 MHz               COSMOS 2154, in plane #3
                       399.84 MHz               on November 4, 1992.]
                       Inclination: 82.923 deg
1993-001A (22307)      January 1, 1993          [Replacing 1992-12A, COSMOS
COSMOS 2230            150.00 MHz               2181, in plane #11 on
                       400.00 MHz               January 20, 1993.]
                       Inclination: 82.945 deg
1993-008A (22487)      February 18, 1993        [Replacing 1991-029A, COSMOS
COSMOS 2233            150.03 MHz               2142, in plane #5 on February
                       400.08 MHz               17, 1993.]
                       Inclination: 82.944 deg
1993-020A (22590)      December 6, 1993         [Replacing 1991-081A, COSMOS
COSMOS 2239            149.97 MHz               2173, in plane #4 on April 7,
                       399.84 MHz               1993.]
                       Inclination: 82.93 deg
1993-070A (22888)      December 6, 1993         [Replacing 1991-59A, COSMOS
COSMOS 2266            149.97 MHz               2135, in plane #1 on November
                       399.84 MHz               10, 1993.]
                       Inclination: 82.95 deg
1994-024A (23092)      May 25, 1994             [Replacing 1992-08A,
COSMOS 2279            149.94 MHz               COSMOS 2180, in plane #6
                       399.84 MHz               on May 11, 1994.]
                       Inclination: 82.946 deg
1994-041A (23179)      July 16, 1994            [Replacing NADEZHDA,
NADEZHDA 4             150.00 MHz               1990-017A, in plane #14
                       400.00 MHz               on July 28, 1994.]
                       Inclination: 82.946 deg
1994-089A (23455)      January 29, 1995
NOAA 14                137.62 MHz
                       137.77 MHz
                       Inclination: 98.9 deg

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Questions/comments about the content of these pages should be directed to:
The World Warning Agency for Satellites,
National Space Science Data Center, Mail Code 633
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771

Page Curator:
Dr. Edwin V. Bell, II,, +1-301-286-1187
NSSDC, Mail Code 633, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771

NASA Official: J. H. King,
Last updated: 28 August 1995, EVB II