SPACEWARN Bulletin Number 507

C. Spacecraft Particularly Suited for International Participation: Category I

Spacecraft with essentially continuous radio beacons on frequencies less than 150 MHz, or higher frequencies if especially suited for ionospheric or geodetic studies.(NNSS denotes U.S. Navy Navigational Satellite System; an asterisk [*] indicates updated/new information since the last issue.) Updates or corrections to the list are possible only with information from the user community.

Note: This section has not received any user input/updates for a year. The content remains the same as in SPX 504. The section will be revived from time to time when a significant volume of updates would be available from the user community.

However, Geoff E. Perry, MBE, of the Kettering Group in Cornwall, England, has kindly provided the following additions and revisions to the list in SPX-504.

Designations              Epoch, Frequency, Power      Remarks
                          and Orbit Information

1991-019A (21152)         1 January 1996               Plane 2
Nadezhda 3                150.00 MHz
                          400.00 MHz
                          Inclination: 82.926 deg
1991-081A (21796)         1 January 1996               Plane 4
COSMOS 2173               149.97 MHz
                          399.92 MHz
                          Inclination: 82.955 deg
1992-073A (22207)         1 January 1996               Plane 3
COSMOS 2218               149.94 MHz
                          399.84 MHz
                          Inclination: 82.921 deg
1993-008A (22487)         1 January 1996               Plane 5
COSMOS 2233               150.03 MHz
                          400.08 MHz
                          Inclination: 82.945 deg
1993-070A (22888)         1 January 1996               Plane 1
COSMOS 2266               149.97 MHz                   Inactive, and
                          399.92 MHz                   replaced by
                          Inclination: 82.950 deg      COSMOS 2327
1994-024A (23092)         1 January 1996               Plane 6
COSMOS 2279               149.94 MHz
                          399.84 MHz
                          Inclination: 82.948 deg
1994-041A (23179)         1 January 1996               Plane 14
NADEZHDA 4                150.00 MHz
                          400.00 MHz
                          Inclination: 82.944 deg
1995-002A (23463)         1 January 1996               Plane 13
TSIKADA                   150.00 MHz
                          400.00 MHz
                          Inclination: 82.925 deg
1995-012A (23526)         1 January 1996               Plane 2
COSMOS 2310               149.91 MHz
                          399.76 MHz
                          Inclination: 82.939 deg
1995-032A (23603)         1 January 1996               Plane 11
COSMOS 2315               150.00 MHz
                          400.00 MHz
                          Inclination: 82.905 deg
1996-004A (23773)         21 January 1996              Plane 1
COSMOS 2327               149.97 MHz
                          300.02 MHz
                          Inclination: 82.981 deg

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The World Warning Agency for Satellites,
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Page Curator:
Dr. Edwin V. Bell, II,, +1-301-286-1187
NSSDC, Mail Code 633, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771

NASA Official: J. H. King,
V1.0, 26 January 1996