1996-012B (23805) TSS-1R 25 Feb 1996-012A (23801) STS 75 22 Feb 1996-011A (23798) Soyuz TM-23 21 Feb 1996-010A (23794) RADUGA 33 19 Feb 1996-009F (23792) Cosmos 2330 19 Feb 1996-009E (23791) Cosmos 2329 19 Feb 1996-009D (23790) Cosmos 2328 19 Feb 1996-009C (23789) GONETS D1-3 19 Feb 1996-009B (23788) GONETS D1-2 19 Feb 1996-009A (23787) GONETS D1-1 19 Feb 1996-008A (23784) NEAR 17 Feb 1996-007A (23781) N-STAR-B 05 Feb 1996-006A (23779) PALAPA C-1 01 Feb 1996-005A (23775) Gorizont 31 25 Jan
The GPS 2-NN series orbit in six distinct planes that are about 60 deg apart. Each plane has four "slots." Following are the 2-NN members in the planes/slots. The RAAN decreases by about 1.0 deg each month; below are their approximate RAAN longitudes in November 95.
PLANE RAAN OF PLANE SLOT-1 SLOT-2 SLOT-3 SLOT-4 A 235 2-21 2-12 2-15 2-04 B 296 2-18 2-07 2-02 2-22 C 357 2-24 2-13 2-19 2-20 D 62 2-11 2-09 2-05 2-23 E 119 2-01 2-08 2-03 2-10 F 177 2-16 2-14 2-06 2-17
The GLONASS NNN series orbit in three distinct planes that are 120 deg apart. Each plane has eight "slots". Following are the members of the planes/slots.
Plane 1 Plane 2 Plane 3 slot-1 771 slot-9 776/778 slot-17 760 slot-2 757 slot-10 781 slot-18 758 slot-3 763 slot-11 785 slot-19 777 slot-4 762 slot-12 767 slot-20 765 slot-5 249 slot-13 782 slot-21 756 slot-6 764 slot-14 770 slot-22 766 slot-7 759 slot-15 780 slot-23 761 slot-8 769 slot-16 775 slot-24 774Coordinational Scientific Information Center (CSIC) Russian Space Forces
Designations Common Name 1996 1995-070A (23744) PROGRESS M-30 22 Feb 1996-005B (23776) R/B SL-12 29 Jan 1996-001A (23762) STS 72 Landed on 20 Jan 1996-001B (23763) OAST FLYER Retrieved on 20 Jan 1995-011A (23521) SFU Retrieved on 20 Jan
Mr. Geoffrey Perry, MBE, of the Kettering Group, Cornwall, England has communicated to us on 18 February 96 the following message about an orbiter he numbers as 1995-000A:
EXPRESS, a German capsule, procured from Russia's KB Salyut, carrying microgravity experiments and heatshield test samples, intended for recovery after 5.5 days in Woomera, Australia, was launched by a Japanese M-3S II rocket from Uchinoura at 13:45 UT, January 15, 1995. A second stage guidance failure resulted in a very low orbit with an 88 min period, apogee 250 (?) km, perigee 115 (?) km, and inclination 31.2 deg. It was initially assumed to have fallen into the Pacific ocean off the coast of South America. No objects from the launch were catalogued by USSPACECOM. Mr. G. E. Perry, MBE of the Kettering Group, England, published a paper, based on reports in the Ghanaian Times and Ghanaian Chronicle, in the November 1995 issue of the Astronautical Society of Western Australia's News Bulletin suggesting that the "strange object" which had landed at Kotorigu, near Tamale, could be the recoverable capsule which would have passed over Ghana after 2.5 orbits. This paper was brought to the notice of Daimler-Benz Aerospace and DARA whose subsequent enquiries and on the spot investigations confirmed that the object in the hanger at Tamale was indeed the Express capsule. Diplomatic negotiations are in progress to secure the return of the capsule to Germany.
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