Objects were observed during 1994-1996 by Walter I. Nissen, Jr., CDP, at latitude 41 N. Mr. Nissan is grateful for assistance from Goddard Space Flight Center, Smithsonian Institution and National Capital Astronomers.
This list does not possess the universality of Mike McCants' catalog, but it does serve as a record of what can be seen under favorable conditions of illumination and reflection.
This list supplements the similar list complied on 7 July 1994, by Mr. Nissen and reported in Spacewarn Bulletin 490.
This list is complete for objects in orbit as of this date (14 July 1996) which were recorded at magnitude 4 or brighter. The magnitude shown is the brightest observed magnitude. When it was clear that a glint was being observed, the brightest observed glint is recorded after the asterisk. When both are provided, they may represent different passes.
When the name is a simple number, the object is from the Cosmos series; "r" denotes rocket body.
USSPACECOM COSPAR/ NAME CAT.# WWAS ID MAG. 389 r 04814 70-113B 3 405 05117 71- 28A 2 NOSS 0 r 05679 71-110B 3 Meteor 1-11 r 05918 72- 22B 4 OAO 3 r 06155 72- 65B 1 614 r 06966 73- 98B 3 Meteor 1-17 07274 74- 25A *1 660 r 07338 74- 44B 1 673 r 07418 74- 66B 2 Meteor 1-23 r 08520 75-124B 3 or 4 Meteor 1-28 r 10114 77- 57B 3 DMSP B5D1-3 10820 78- 42A 0 *-2 1005 r 10861 78- 45B 3 SeaSat 1 10967 78- 64A 3 1025 10973 78- 67A 4 Meteor 1-29 11251 79- 5A 4 1077 11268 79- 12A 3 or 4 Inter Cosmos 19 11285 79- 20A 1.5 Int.Cosmos 19 r 11286 79- 20B 3 1092 r 11327 79- 30B 3 1140 r 11574 79- 89B 3.6 1143 r 11601 79- 93B 3.7 1145 11629 79- 99A 3 1206 11932 80- 69A 3 1220 12054 80- 89A 2 1238 r 12139 81- 3B 1.5 1242 12154 81- 8A 4 NOAA 7 12553 81- 59A 0 or 1 *-1 or 0 1300 12785 81- 82A 3 1315 12903 81-103A 3 1315 r 12904 81-103B 4 1328 r 12988 81-117B 4 1357 r 13168 82- 40J 4 ELINT (KH 9-17) 13172 82- 41C *3.5 1378 13271 82- 59A 4 1455 14032 83- 37A 2 1470 r 14148 83- 61B 4 1500 r 14373 83- 99B 3 1508 r 14484 83-111B 2 or 1 1515 14551 83-122A *2 1536 14699 84- 13A 5 or 6 *4 or 3 1602 15331 84-105A 3 or 2 *1 1605 r 15360 84-109B 4 1606 15369 84-111A 5 *2 or 3 1633 15592 85- 20A 3 or 4 *2 1703 16262 85-108A *0 1707 16326 85-113A 4 1726 16495 86- 6A 4 *3 Mir 16609 86- 17A -2 Spot 1 16613 86- 19A 4 1782 16986 86- 74A 3 1809 r 17242 86-101B 4 1812 17295 87- 3A 6 *3 1818 17369 87- 11A 3 1825 17566 87- 24A 3 1833 17589 87- 27A 4 1842 17911 87- 38A 4 or 5 *0 1844 r 17974 87- 41B 3 1867 18187 87- 60A 3 1892 18421 87- 88A 3 or 2 *1 1898 r 18586 87- 98B 3 or 4 1908 18748 88- 1A 4 1933 18958 88- 20A 3 *1 1933 r 18959 88- 20B 3 1937 r 19039 88- 29B 4 1943 19119 88- 39A 4 1943 r 19120 88- 39B 1 1953 19210 88- 50A 2 *-2 1954 r 19257 88- 53B 4 Okean 1 19274 88- 56A 3 or 4 USA 32 19460 88- 78A 2 1975 19573 88- 93A 2 *0 1980 19649 88-102A *0 Lacrosse 1 19671 88-106B 0 2016 r 19922 89- 28B 4 Int.Cosmos 24 20261 89- 80A 4 Int.Cosmos 24 r 20262 89- 80C 4 2053 r 20390 89-100B 2 or 3 2058 20465 90- 10A 4 *0 MOS 1-B 20478 90- 13A 3 2074 r 20578 90- 36B 4 HST 20580 90- 37B 3 2084 20663 90- 55A 3 or 4 2084 r2 20666 90- 55D 3.0 NOSS 2-1 B 20682 90- 50B 4 NOSS 2-1 C 20691 90- 50C 4 NOSS 2-1 D 20692 90- 50D 4 DMSP B5D2-5 20978 90-105A 3 or 4 Lacrosse 2 21147 91- 17A 3 Lacrosse 2 r 21148 91- 17B 1 2142 r 21231 91- 29B 2 or 3 NOAA 12 21263 91- 32A 4 *0 or 1 2150 r 21419 91- 41B 4 2151 21422 91- 42A 1 or 2 *0 UARS 21701 91- 63B 2 USA 81 21949 92- 23A 3 or 4 2195 r 22007 92- 36B 4 TOPEX 22076 92- 52A 4 2208 r 22081 92- 53B 4 Lageos 2 r 22196 92- 70D 3 *-1 2218 r 22208 92- 73B 3 2219 r 22220 92- 76B 1.9 2221 22236 92- 80A 2 2227 r 22285 92- 93B 2 2228 22286 92- 94A 4 2228 r 22287 92- 94B 3 2237 22565 93- 16A 4 2237 r 22566 93- 16B 4 2242 22626 93- 24A 1 or 2 *0 2251 r 22676 93- 36B 3 or 4 NOAA 13 22739 93- 50A *-1 2263 r 22803 93- 59B 1.2 Koronas 1 r 23020 94- 14B 3 2278 r 23088 94- 23B 3.2 2279 r 23093 94- 24B 4 SROSS-C2 23099 94- 27A -1 or -2 *-2 Nadezhda 4 r 23180 94- 41B 2 or 1 2285 r 23190 94- 45B 3 DMSP B5D2-7 23233 94- 57A 3 or 4 *0 2292 r 23279 94- 61B 3 or 4 Okean 1-7 r 23318 94- 66B 3 Resurs 1-3 23342 94- 74A 4 Resurs 1-3 r 23343 94- 74B 1 2297 23404 94- 77A 4 2297 r 23405 94- 77B 2 Geo-1K 23411 94- 78A 3.5 Geo-1K r 23412 94- 78B 4 Astrid 23464 95- 2B 3 2306 r 23502 95- 8B 3 or 4 ERS-2 23560 95- 21A 3 or 4 ERS-2 r 23561 95- 21B 3 2313 23596 95- 28A 1 2315 r 23604 95- 32B 4 Helios 1A r 23608 95- 33D 2 or 3 *0 Sich 1 23657 95- 46A 4 2321 23676 95- 52A 3 2322 23704 95- 58A 4 2322 r 23705 95- 58B 2 2326 23748 95- 71A 1 or 1.5 2327 23773 96- 4A 2 NOSS 2-3 r 96- 29 0
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Questions/comments about the content of these pages should be directed to: The World Warning Agency for Satellites, wwas@nssdca.gsfc.nasa.gov National Space Science Data Center, Mail Code 633 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771 |