All GLONASS spacecraft are in the general COSMOS series. The COSMOS numbers (nnnn) invoked by USSPACECOM have often differed from the numbers (NNNN) associated in Russia; when different, the USSPACECOM COSMOS numbers are shown in parentheses. The corresponding GLONASS numbers are Russian numbers, followed by the numbers in parentheses that are sometimes attributed to them outside Russia.
The operating frequencies in MHz are computed from the channel number K. Frequencies (MHz) = 1602.0 + 0.5625K and L2 = 1246.0 + 0.4375K.
The standard format of GLONASS situation appeared in SPX-515. The following e-mail from CSIC may be more useful to the user community.
From: AMES::"" "CSIC of the Russian Space Forces" 26-DEC-1996 17:39:22.70 Subj: Latest GLONASS constellation status 1.STATUS Information Group GLONASS Constellation Status (December 26, 1996) GLONASS Cosmos Plane/ Frequ. Launch Intro Status Outage number number slot chann. date date date 769 2178 1/8 2 30.01.92 22.02.92 operating 771 2179 1/1 23 30.01.92 18.02.92 withdrawn 21.12.96 756 2204 3/21 24 30.07.92 19.08.92 operating 759 2235 1/7 21 17.02.93 25.08.93 operating 757 2236 1/2 5 17.02.93 14.03.93 operating 758 2275 3/18 10 11.04.94 04.09.94 operating 760 2276 3/17 24 11.04.94 18.05.94 operating 761 2277 3/23 3 11.04.94 16.05.94 operating 767 2287 2/12 22 11.08.94 07.09.94 operating 770 2288 2/14 9 11.08.94 04.09.94 operating 775 2289 2/16 22 11.08.94 07.09.94 operating 762 2294 1/4 12 20.11.94 11.12.94 operating 763 2295 1/3 21 20.11.94 15.12.94 unusable 23.12.96 764 2296 1/6 13 20.11.94 16.12.94 operating 765 2307 3/20 1 07.03.95 30.03.95 operating 766 2308 3/22 10 07.03.95 05.04.95 operating 777 2309 3/19 3 07.03.95 06.04.95 operating 780 2316 2/15 4 24.07.95 26.08.95 operating 781 2317 2/10 9 24.07.95 22.08.95 operating 785 2318 2/11 4 24.07.95 22.08.95 operating 776 2323 2/9 6 14.12.95 07.01.96 operating 778 2324 2/9 11 14.12.95 spare 782 2325 2/13 6 14.12.95 18.01.96 operating Note: All the dates (DD.MM.YY) are given at Moscow Time (UTC+0300) 2.SUMMARY Information Group SUBJ:GLONASS STATUS 26 DECEMBER 96 1.SATELLITES, PLANES, SLOTS AND CHANNELS Plane 1/ slot: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 Channel: -- 05 -- 12 -- 13 21 02 Plane 2/ slot: 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Channel 06 09 04 22 06 09 04 22 Plane 3/ slot: 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Channel: 24 10 03 01 24 10 03 -- 2.CURRENT ADVISORIES (ADV) AND FORECASTS (FCST) INFORMATION IS REPEATED FOR ONE MONTH AFTER EVENT CONCLUDES. ALL THE DATES (DD.MM.YY) ARE GIVEN AT MOSCOW TIME (UTC+0300) A. FORECASTS NAGU-MSG.DATE-TIME-SL/CH-TYPE-SUMMARY B. ADVISORIES NAGU-MSG.DATE-TIME-SL/CH-TYPE-SUMMARY 233-961206-06.12.96-1200-23/03-ADVS-UNUSABLE 05.12/1109-05.12/1134 234-961206-06.12.96-1200-18/10-ADVS-UNUSABLE 05.12/1330-05.12/1456 235-961209-09.12.96-1100-03/21-ADVS-UNUSABLE 07.12/0123-07.12/0153 236-961211-11.12.96-1100-15/04-ADVS-UNUSABLE 11.12/0318-UNFINISHED 237-961214-14.12.96-1100-15/04-ADVS-PUT INTO OPERATION 11.12/1317 238-961215-15.12.96-1100-03/21-ADVS-UNUSABLE 15.12/0355-15.12/0432 239-961216-16.12.96-1000-07/21-ADVS-UNUSABLE 15.12/1920-15.12/2032 241-961223-23.12.96-1100-03/21-ADVS-UNUSABLE 23.12/0240-UNFINISHED 242-961226-26.12.96-1100-18/10-ADVS-UNUSABLE 25.12/0946-25.12/1003 C. GENERAL: NO IMPACT, INFORMATIONAL PURPOSE ONLY NAGU-MSG.DATE-TIME-SL/CH-TYPE-SUMMARY 240-961223-23.12.96-1100-01/23-GNRL-END OF OPERATION 21.12.96 3.NAGU Information Group 233-961206 NOTICE ADVISORY TO GLONASS USERS (NAGU) 233-961206 SUBJ: 23/03(761) UNUSABLE 05.12/1109-05.12/1134 MT 1.CONDITION: 23/03(761) WAS UNUSABLE SINCE 05.12/1109 UNTIL 05.12/1134 MT (UTC+0300) 2.POC:CSIC RSF AT +7-095-333-81-33 234-961206 NOTICE ADVISORY TO GLONASS USERS (NAGU) 234-961206 SUBJ: 18/10(758) UNUSABLE 05.12/1330-05.12/1456 MT 1.CONDITION: 18/10(758) WAS UNUSABLE SINCE 05.12/1330 UNTIL 05.12/1456 MT (UTC+0300) 2.POC:CSIC RSF AT +7-095-333-81-33 235-961209 NOTICE ADVISORY TO GLONASS USERS (NAGU) 235-961209 SUBJ: 03/21(763) UNUSABLE 07.12/0123-07.12/0153 MT 1.CONDITION: 03/21(763) WAS UNUSABLE SINCE 07.12/0123 UNTIL 07.12/0153 MT (UTC+0300) 2.POC:CSIC RSF AT +7-095-333-81-33 236-961211 NOTICE ADVISORY TO GLONASS USERS (NAGU) 236-961211 SUBJ: 15/04(780) UNUSABLE 11.12/0318 MT-UNFINISHED 1.CONDITION: 15/04(780) WAS UNUSABLE SINCE 11.12/0318 MT (UTC+0300) UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE DUE TO MAINTENANCE 2.USERS ARE REMINDED TO UPDATE ALMANACS IF NECESSARY 3.POC:CSIC RSF AT +7-095-333-81-33 237-961214 NOTICE ADVISORY TO GLONASS USERS (NAGU) 237-961214 REF: NAGU 236-961211 SUBJ: 15/04(780) PUT INTO OPERATION IN 11.12/1317 (UTC+0300) MT 1.CONDITION: 15/04(780) WAS PUT INTO OPERATION ON 11.12/1317 MT (UTC+0300) 2.USERS ARE REMINDED TO UPDATE ALMANACS IF NECESSARY 3.POC:CSIC RSF AT +7-095-330-91-74 238-961215 NOTICE ADVISORY TO GLONASS USERS (NAGU) 238-961215 SUBJ: 03/21(763) UNUSABLE 15.12/0355-15.12/0432 MT 1.CONDITION: 03/21(763) WAS UNUSABLE SINCE 15.12/0355 UNTIL 15.12/0432 MT (UTC+0300) 2.POC:CSIC RSF AT +7-095-333-81-33 239-961216 NOTICE ADVISORY TO GLONASS USERS (NAGU) 239-961216 SUBJ: 07/21(759) UNUSABLE 15.12/1920-15.12/2032 MT 1.CONDITION: 07/21(759) WAS UNUSABLE SINCE 15.12/1920 UNTIL 15.12/2032 MT (UTC+0300) 2.POC:CSIC RSF AT +7-095-333-81-33 240-961223 NOTICE ADVISORY TO GLONASS USERS (NAGU) 240-961223 REF:218-961031 SUBJ: 01/23(771) END OF OPERATION 21.12 1.CONDITION: 01/23(771) WAS WITHDRAWN SINCE 21.12 ALL OPERATIONS ENDED 2.POC:CSIC RSF AT +7-095-333-81-33 241-961223 NOTICE ADVISORY TO GLONASS USERS (NAGU) 241-961223 SUBJ: 03/21(763) UNUSABLE 23.12/0240 MT-UNFINISHED 1.CONDITION: 03/21(763) WAS UNUSABLE SINCE 23.12/0240 MT (UTC+0300) UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE DUE TO MAINTENANCE 2.USERS ARE REMINDED TO UPDATE ALMANACS IF NECESSARY 3.POC:CSIC RSF AT +7-095-333-81-33 242-961226 NOTICE ADVISORY TO GLONASS USERS (NAGU) 242-961226 SUBJ: 18/10(758) UNUSABLE 25.12/0946-25.12/1003 MT 1.CONDITION: 18/10(758) WAS UNUSABLE SINCE 25.12/0946 UNTIL 25.12/1003 MT (UTC+0300) 2.POC:CSIC RSF AT +7-095-333-81-33 % Date: Thu, 26 Dec 1996 13:34:16 +0300 % From: CSIC of the Russian Space Forces <> % Organization: CSIC Russian Space Forces Mail: PO BOX 14, Coordinational Scientific Moscow, 117279 ,Russia Information Center (CSIC) Russian Space Forces Tel: +7 095 333-81-33 RUSSIA, Moscow, Profsoyuznaya ulitsa, 84/32. +7 095 330-91-74 Fax: +7 095 334-23-00 E-mail: Home page WWW.IKI: -------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Questions/comments about the content of these pages should be directed to: The World Warning Agency for Satellites, National Space Science Data Center, Mail Code 633 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771 |