1997-011A (24748) TEMPO 2 08 Mar 1997-009A (24742) INTELSAT 801 01 Mar 1997-010A (24744) Zeya 04 Mar
The last full list appeared as a part of SPX 520. The list will reappear only after major updates to the list are available.
High precision (<20 cm) GPS constellation tracking data obtained from the network of about 80 dedicated global stations that are of interest to geodetic study may be obtained through the following services provided by the International Association of Geodesy (IGS)
FTP: igscb.jpl.nasa.gov [directory /igscb] WWW: http://igscb.jpl.nasa.gov/ E-mail: igscb@cobra.jpl.nasa.gov
The standard format of the GPS situation appeared in SPX-518. It will not be repeated since an excellent source of trajectory- and science-related GPS information is at http://www.utexas.edu/depts/grg/gcraft/notes/gps/gps.html#DODSystem It provides many links to GPS related databases.
All GLONASS spacecraft are in the general COSMOS series. The COSMOS numbers (nnnn) invoked by USSPACECOM have often differed from the numbers (NNNN) associated in Russia; when different, the USSPACECOM COSMOS numbers are shown in parentheses. The corresponding GLONASS numbers are Russian numbers, followed by the numbers in parentheses that are sometimes attributed to them outside Russia.
The operating frequencies in MHz are computed from the channel number K. Frequencies (MHz) = 1602.0 + 0.5625K and L2 = 1246.0 + 0.4375K.
The standard format of the GLONASS situation appeared in SPX-515. It will not be repeated in view of the excellent updated source at: http://www.rssi.ru/SFCSIC/glonass.html maintained by the Coordinational Scientific Information Center (CSIC),Russian Space Forces.
Designations Common Name 1997 1996-054B (24316) R/B COSMOS 2334 17 Mar 1995-052B (23677) R/B COSMOS 2321 13 Mar 1996-066A (24663) PROGRESS M-33 12 Mar 1996-047A (24280) SOYUZ TM-24 02 Mar
Pioneer 10 operations were discontinued as of 31 March 1997.
NSSDC/WDC-A-R&S is an archival center for science data from many spacecraft.
Some data are on line for electronic access. Please contact the NSSDC Request Coordination
Code 633, NASA/GSFC, Greenbelt, Maryland 20771, U.S.A., for specific
information (request@nssdca.gsfc.nasa.gov).
Information on the current
status of the instruments on board from the investigators will be most
welcomed. Precomputed trajectory files
and orbital parameters of many magnetospheric and heliospheric science-payload
spacecraft may be FTP'ed from NSSDC's ANON_DIR:[000000.ACTIVE] and its
several subdirectories. (See About the SPACEWARN Bulletin
for access method; a file in the ACTIVE directory named AAREADME.DOC, outlines the contents.)
It can also be accessed via the WWW at:
This URL also enables executing several codes related to the orbits
of many geocentric science payload spacecraft. The codes related to
the heliospheric spacecraft trjectories can be executed through:
Magnetospheric, Planetary, and Astronomical science data from many spacecraft
may be accessed through links from the URL:
Questions/comments about the content of these pages should be directed to: The World Warning Agency for Satellites, wwas@nssdca.gsfc.nasa.gov National Space Science Data Center, Mail Code 633 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771 |