![[Clementine NIR image of Froelich crater]](banner/small_clemnir_froe.gif)
Clementine CD-ROMs at NSSDCA
The Clementine image collection is no longer available on CD-ROm, but can be accessed online at:
The volumes are arranged by
Clementine orbit number, with 3 to 5 orbits contained per volume, starting with orbit 32,
the beginning of the lunar mapping phase. An
of the orbits and locations of the coverage for each volume is available. The raw images from
all imaging sensors (UV/Visible, Near IR, Long-Wavelength IR, High Resolution, and
Star Tracker cameras) will be included for each orbit. The image at the top of the page was taken by
the Near IR camera on March 8, 1994 from an altitude of 1600 km. It shows the 55 km
diameter crater Froelich, centered at approximately 80 N, 110 W, and part of the crater
The volumes were prepared by the Clementine project and the Planetary Data System.
These data are available online at:
The AAREADME file - Further Information from the data
Clementine Volume and Orbit Index - Areal coverage and volume for each orbit
Clementine Page - Information on the Clementine mission
Other Lunar Missions - Information on Apollo, Lunar Orbiter, etc.
NSSDCA Planetary page
Dr. David R. Williams, dave.williams@nasa.gov
NSSDCA, Mail Code 690.1
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, MD 20771
NASA Official: Dave Williams, david.r.williams@nasa.gov
Last Updated: 28 March 2023, DRW