Forestry Commission Nursery Moon Tree

Waynesboro, Mississippi

[Waynesboro Moon Tree] [Waynesboro Moon Tree Sign] [Waynesboro Moon Tree]

An American sycamore (Platanus occidentalis) Moon Tree was planted at the Forestry Commission Nursery in Waynesboro, Mississippi, probably around 1976. The Forest Commission has since shut down all the nurseries, but still owns the property. The tree had sustained some damage but appeared to be reasonably healthy as of 2019. However, an inspection of the tree and image from June 2024 (upper right) shows the tree has died, all the green in the image is from vines growing on the tree.

Picture at upper left shows the tree in October 2013. Pictures at bottom show the tree in November 2019.

[Waynesboro Moon Tree] [Waynesboro Moon Tree]

Tree is located at 31° 36.482' N, 88° 32.998' W.

Two lower images courtesy Chiho Sullivan
Image at top left courtesy T. Byron Miller
Image at top right and current information courtesy Gareth Foust

 History of the Sycamore Moon Trees
 Moon Tree Home Page

Dr. David R. Williams,
NSSDCA, Mail Code 690.1
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, MD 20771

NASA Official: Dave Williams,
Last Updated: 10 July 2024, DRW