Launched: 7 December 1972 UT 05:33:00 (12:33:00 a.m. EST)
Landed on Moon: 11 December 1972 UT 19:54:57 (02:54:57 p.m. EST)
Landing Site: Taurus-Littrow (20.19 N, 30.77 E)
Returned to Earth: 19 December 1972 UT 19:24:59 (02:24:59 p.m. EST)
Eugene A. Cernan, commander
Ronald E. Evans, command module pilot
Harrison H. Schmitt, lunar module pilot
Quicktime movie of the liftoff of the Apollo 17 LM from the Moon (80 K)
1 Mbyte Quicktime version of the liftoff
Apollo 17 Mission Overview
- Lunar and Planetary Institute
Apollo 17 Mission Summary
- Apollo by the Numbers, NASA History Office
Apollo 17 Lunar Surface Journal
- Transcript of Apollo 17 communications
Apollo 17 Flight Journal
- Transcript of Apollo 17 flight communications
Apollo 17 Preliminary Science Report (PDF)
Apollo 17 Press Kit (PDF)