Session 1

Directories Workshop

Chair: Terry Fisher (CCRS)

Mon, 6 Nov 1995, 10:45 am to 5:30 pm


This session of the Science Information Systems Interoperability Conference (SISIC) focuses on directories to data. An initial search for data sets often begins with a broad-based query at the directory level. The intent of data set descriptions provided at this level is to aid the researcher in determining the value of individual data sets to the envisioned research effort. Although there is general agreement in the community that researchers should be able to perform searches of multiple databases with one query, there are several different models being implemented to perform such searches. In that the data model chosen has a significant impact on population efforts associated with data directories, it is instructive for those building, populating, and using data systems to be aware of the various approaches being considered to accomplish the single query objective.

Presently, directory level information is rarely coupled with more detailed metadata and actual data. Fostering closer ties between the metadata and data will assist in more rapid and comprehensive population efforts. Furthermore, the rapid increase in the distribution (and description) of data sets on the Web points to a need for automated population efforts, regardless of the directory model chosen. In light of this, the conference will begin with a directory session designed to stimulate discussion in the areas of online data directory models or software tools designed to locate data sets described on the Web. Submissions addressing either topic are solicited for this session.

10:45 Panel Session - The Whether, What, and How of Directories: Centralism vs. Dispersed and the Effect of the WWW
Moderator: Joseph Bredekamp (NASA Hq.)

12:00 - Lunch

1:00 Coupling Directory, Inventory and Guide Metadata and Information: The EOSDIS Version 0 Information Management System (IMS) Approach
R. Pfister (NASA/GSFC)
1:20 The NOAA Data Set Catalog
Darin M. McKeever (NOAA /EIS)
Anne O'Donnell (NOAA /EIS)
George Saxton (NOAA /EIS)
1:40 The CEOS International Directory Network
George Saxton, NOAA Environmental Information Services
2:00 IDN in a Tough Environment: The Setting of the GCMD in Argentina
Hugo Marraco (CONAE)
2:20 DODS Data Locator Service: Integrating Directory, Inventory and Data Granule Location and Access Functions
George Milkowski (University of Rhode Island)
2:40 A Virtual BMDO Database: Uniting Multiple, Heterogeneous and Distributed Data Directories behind a Single World Wide Web Interface
Bryan. N. Dorland (NRL/E. O. Hulburt Center for Space Research)
Sarah Conger (HSTX/Backgrounds Data Center)
Rick Roepke (HSTX/Backgrounds Data Center)
Mike Gallager (SVEDRUP/Plumes Data Center)
Kerry Whittle (Teledyne Brown Engineering/Missle Defense Data Center)
William. A. Snyder (NRL/E. O. Hulburt Center for Space Research)
Dale Bradley (Arnold Engineering and Development Center, Arnold AFB)
Duane Price (U.S. Army Space and Strategic Defense Command)
Barbara Rodgers (U.S. Army Space and Strategic Defense Command)

3:00 Break

3:20 Metadata: Concepts, Models and Issues
Paul Shelley (NRIC, Canberra, Australia)
Dave Johnson (EarthWare Systems, Canberra, Australia)
Shawn Callahan (Sybase [Australia] Pty Ltd, Canberra, Australia
3:40 Architecture of Dynamic Query User Interface for Networked Information Systems
Khoa Doan (Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory, U. of Maryland)
Catherine Plaisant (Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory, U. of Maryland)
Ben Shneiderman (Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory, U. of Maryland)
4:00 Data Structures for Dynamic Query Browsing of EOS Data Directories
Julie M. Pointek (Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory, U. of Maryland)
Ben Shneiderman (Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory, U. of Maryland)
4:20 The Structuring of Data Products Directories Associated to Application Services at INPE/Brazil
Eduardo W. Bergamini (INPE/Brazil)
4:30 File Exchange Interface (FEI)
John Rector (JPL)
4:50 The Distributed NOAA Environmental Services Data Directory
Gerald S. Barton ( NOAA Environmental Information Services)
5:10 Directory Population Efforts at the Global Change Master Directory
Gene Major (Hughes/STX)
Lola Olsen (NASA/GSFC)
Lynn Halpern (Hughes/STX)
Steve Johns (Hughes/STX)
Ron Vogel (Hughes/STX)

5:30 Adjourn

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