Lowell Elementary School Moon Tree

Boise, Idaho

[Lowell Moon Tree] [Lowell Moon Tree Plaque] [Lowell Moon Tree]

This loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) was planted in 1977 at the Lowell Elementary School in Boise, Idaho. Governor John Evan's son was attending the school at that time. The picture above at left shows the tree in 2018, at right in 2023. The center picture shows a plaque in front of the tree. The Lowell Elementary School website has the following:

"In 1977, a special pine tree was planted on the playground. The tree was grown from seeds that U.S. astronauts had taken to the moon and was, therefore, named the "Moon Tree." There were only three such trees planted in the entire state of Idaho. Lowell School received one of these trees because Governor John Evans had a son attending Lowell at that time."

[Lowell Moon Tree] [Lowell Moon Tree Plaque] [Lowell Moon Tree]

The pictures above left and center were taken in 2022, the one to the right in 2023.

The tree appeared to be diseased in 2014, possibly due to an infestation of insects. The lower branches were dying and sap was oozing from the trunk. Some of the damage can be seen in the pictures below. The tree appears to be healthier, and seems to be recovering.

There was a local effort to save the tree, you can find out more about it here.

[Lowell Moon Tree damage] [Lowell Moon Tree pine cone] [Lowell Moon Tree]

Photographs at top left and center courtesy Beth Gordon
Photograph at top right courtesy Nancy Rogers
Photograph at middle left and center courtesy Andy Heidelberg
Photograph at middle right courtesy Chad Chigbrow
Photographs at bottom courtesy Eric Geiger

Lowell School History Page

Efforts underway to save Boise's moon tree - KTVB-7 TV, 29 September 2015

Revisiting the Moon Tree - awkward botany, 24 June 2020

Idaho State Capitol Douglas Fir Moon Tree

University of Idaho Sycamore Moon Tree

History of the Loblolly Pine Moon Trees

Moon Tree Home Page

Dr. David R. Williams, dave.williams@nasa.gov
NSSDCA, Mail Code 690.1
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, MD 20771

NASA Official: Dave Williams, david.r.williams@nasa.gov
Last Updated: 1 March 2024, DRW