Galileo Images from CD-ROM Volume 16
This is the complete set of images of the SL-9 impact taken by Galileo.
These are from the Galileo CD-ROM Volume 16, produced by the Galileo project and PDS.
Clicking on the thumbnail will give the full-resolution version from the CD-ROM.
Fragment K Jailbar images

Fragment K Image 6645G
Imaging start time:
1994-07-19 09:47:38.334 UT
(spacecraft time)

Fragment K Image 7000G
Imaging start time:
1994-07-19 09:51:10.667 UT
(spacecraft time)

Fragment K Image 7300G
Imaging start time:
1994-07-19 09:54:43.000 UT
(spacecraft time)

Fragment K Image 7700G
Imaging start time:
1994-07-19 09:58:15.333 UT
(spacecraft time)

Fragment K Image 8045G
Imaging start time:
1994-07-19 10:01:47.667 UT
(spacecraft time)

Fragment K Image 8400G
Imaging start time:
1994-07-19 10:05:20.000 UT
(spacecraft time)
Fragment N Jailbar images

Fragment N Image 9900G
Imaging start time:
1994-07-20 09:56:03.278 UT
(spacecraft time)

Fragment N Image 0200G
Imaging start time:
1994-07-20 09:59:35.612 UT
(spacecraft time)

Fragment N Image 0600G
Imaging start time:
1994-07-20 10:03:07.945 UT
(spacecraft time)
Fragment W images

Fragment W Image 0600G
Imaging start time:
1994-07-22 07:33:08.782 UT
(spacecraft time)

Fragment W Image 1000G
Imaging start time:
1994-07-22 07:37:11.448 UT
(spacecraft time)

Fragment W Image 1400G
Imaging start time:
1994-07-22 07:41:14.115 UT
(spacecraft time)

Fragment W Image 1800G
Imaging start time:
1994-07-22 07:45:16.781 UT
(spacecraft time)
Information on the Galileo CD-ROM
Galileo SL-9 Image Page
Comet Images Page
Dr. David R. Williams,
NSSDCA, Mail Code 690.1
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, MD 20771
NASA Official: Dave Williams,
Updated: 27 June 2000, DRW.