National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NASA Space Science Data Coordinated Archive

Mission Statement

The NASA Space Science Data Coordinated Archive (NSSDCA) provides multidiscipline archive services, including an analog and digital archive from past NASA space science missions along with directories, catalogs, and access to widely distributed science data resources. The NSSDCA is responsible for the long term archiving and preservation of all space science data. The NSSDCA works closely in federation with the other Science Mission Directorate (SMD) sponsored discipline data archives. This federation is responsible for providing a coherent and coordinated space science data environment to improve quality, accessibility, and usability of NASA's space science data holdings for scientists, educators, and the general public.

The NSSDCA supports SMD-wide policies and standards efforts to enhance data interoperability, compatibility, and sharing, including international collaborations. NSSDCA provides consultation to SMD missions on guidelines, best practices, and lessons learned for developing Project Data Management Plans. These Plans ensure expedient flow of mission data to archives for broad dissemination to the science community. The NSSDCA participates in the evolution of the SMD data and information infrastructure by infusing advanced technologies and enhanced services and achieving economies and efficiencies of scale as a key element of the SMD data architecture.

Further Information

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