National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Lunar and Planetary Science

What's New in Lunar & Planetary Science

The NASA Europa Clipper mission to explore Jupiter's fourth largest moon launched on 14 October at 16:06 UT (12:06 p.m. EDT). For more, see the NASA press release.

The European Space Agency Hera mission to the Didymos/Dimorphos asteroid system to visit the impact site of the DART mission launched on 07 October at 14:52 UT (10:52 a.m. EDT). It has successfully left Earth orbit with a nominal second stage burn.

Launch of the EscaPADE dual spacecraft mission to Mars has been postponed from its original window opening 13 October to no earlier than spring of 2025. For more information, see the NASA EscaPADE blog.

This Day in Planetary and Lunar Exploration History

Giovanni Cassini discovers Saturn's moon Iapetus.
Venera 10 lands on Venus, returns pictures of the surface.

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