Venus Data (Mariner 2, 5, 10, Venera, and Pioneer Venus)

Data Set Name Data Set ID Format Spacecraft Instrument Date Range Notes Online
Magnetic Field Components PSFP-00648 Restored (ASCII) Mariner 2 Magnetometer 1962-08-29 to 1962-11-15
Unaveraged Plasma Parameters PSFP-00649 Restored (ASCII) Mariner 2 Solar Plasma Spectrometer 1962-08-29 to 1962-12-30
1-Hr Averaged Plasma Parameters PSFP-00750 Restored (ASCII) Mariner 2 Solar Plasma Spectrometer 1962-08-29 to 1962-12-30
3-Hr Averaged Plasma Parameters PSFP-00755 Restored (ASCII) Mariner 2 Solar Plasma Spectrometer 1962-08-29 to 1962-12-30
Reduced Electrometer Numbers and Time Data PSFP-00026 Tape - Binary Mariner 2 Solar Plasma Spectrometer 1962-08-29 to 1962-12-30
Plots of Magnetic Field Components PSFP-00725 Digitized Mariner 2 Magnetometer 1962-08-29 to 1962-10-31
3-Hr Averaged Plasma Parameters PSFP-00141 Microfilm Mariner 2 Solar Plasma Spectrometer 1962-08-29 to 1962-12-29 a
Hourly Avg Proton Plasma Parameters PSFP-00023 ASCII Mariner 5 Magnetometer
Interplanetary Ion Plasma Probe
1967-06-14 to 1967-11-21 b
Doppler Radio Tracking Data PSCM-00001 Tape - Binary Mariner 5 Celestial Mechanics 1967-06-14 to 1967-11-20
Fine-Time Scale Magnetometer Data PSFP-00087 Tape - Binary Mariner 5 Magnetometer 1967-06-14 to 1967-11-21
Solar Wind Electron Density vs. Time Normalized to 1 AU PSFP-00088 Tape - Binary Mariner 5 Two-Frequency Beacon Receiver 1967-09-01 to 1967-10-26
Hourly Values of Reduced Total Electron Content PSFP-00089 Tape - Binary Mariner 5 Two-Frequency Beacon Receiver 1967-06-14 to 1967-11-21
Mag Field Measurements for the Encounter with Venus PSFP-00120 Tape - Binary Mariner 5 Magnetometer 1967-10-19 to 1967-10-19
1-, 3-, and 24-Hour Avgs of Magnetic Field Vectors PSFP-00121 Tape - Binary Mariner 5 Magnetometer 1967-06-14 to 1967-11-21
Magnetic Field Vectors Merged with Plasma Parameters PSFP-00086 Tape - Binary Mariner 5 Magnetometer
Interplanetary Ion Plasma Probe
1967-06-14 to 1967-11-21 b
1-Day, 3-Hr, 1-Hr Avg Plots of Mag Data PSFP-00004 Microfilm Mariner 5 Magnetometer 1967-06-14 to 1967-11-21
Listings of Counts/Frame-Fine Time Res. PSFP-00022 Microfilm Mariner 5 Interplanetary Ion Plasma Probe 1967-06-14 to 1967-11-21
Hourly Averaged Proton Plasma Parameters PSFP-00048 Microfilm Mariner 5 Interplanetary Ion Plasma Probe 1967-06-14 to 1967-11-21
42 s Interplanetary Cruise Magnetic Field Data PSFP-00142 Restored (ASCII) Mariner 10 Magnetometer 1973-11-03 to 1975-03-21 c SPDF
Rate Data PSFP-00039 Tape - Binary Mariner 10 Energetic Particles Experiment 1973-11-03 to 1975-03-21
Pulse Height Data PSFP-00197 Tape - Binary Mariner 10 Energetic Particles Experiment 1973-11-03 to 1975-03-21
Merged Hourly Averaged Field-Standard Deep Space IMF/Solar Wind Data SPHE-00083 Tape, Online - ASCII Mariner 10 Magnetometer 1973-11-03 to 1974-09-18 c SPDF
Hourly Averaged Interplanetary Magnetic Field Vectors SPHE-00084 Tape, Online Mariner 10 Magnetometer 1973-11-03 to 1974-09-18 c SPDF
42 s Magnetic Field Vectors in SEQ Coordinates SPHE-00692 Tape, Online Mariner 10 Magnetometer 1973-11-03 to 1974-04-09 c SPDF
42 s Magnetic Field Vectors Near Venus Encounter PSFP-00131 Tape, Online Mariner 10 Magnetometer 1974-01-20 to 1974-02-06 c SPDF
Reduced Telemetry Signal Data for Venus Occultations PSPA-00200 Tape - Binary Mariner 10 Celestial Mechanics and Radio Science 1974-02-05 to 1974-02-05
Intermediate Data Files of Venus Occultation Data PSPA-00316 Tape, Online Mariner 10 Celestial Mechanics and Radio Science 1974-02-05 to 1974-02-05 c SPDF
1.2 s Resolution Plots, SEQ Coordinates PSFP-00728 Digitized Plots Mariner 10 Magnetometer 1973-11-03 to 1974-04-14
1.2 s Resolution Plots in Venus Coordinates PSFP-00729 Digitized Plots Mariner 10 Magnetometer 1974-01-20 to 1974-02-05
Final Plots and Listings of Venus and Io Occultation Data PSPA-00638 Digitized Plots Mariner 10
Pioneer 10
Celestial Mechanics and Radio Science
S-Band Occultation
1973-12-04 to 1974-02-05 d
6 s Res. Field Components, Angle, Magnitude, and RMS Deviation Listings PSFP-00042 Microfilm Mariner 10 Magnetometer 1973-11-03 to 1974-04-15
6 s Resolution Listings, Venus Coordinates PSFP-00102 Microfilm Mariner 10 Magnetometer 1974-01-19 to 1974-02-05
Mariner 10 Photography of Venus PSPA-00275 Microfiche Mariner 10 Television Photography 1974-02-05 to 1974-02-05
One-Hour Averaged Plots PSFP-00101 Hardcopy Mariner 10 Magnetometer 1973-11-03 to 1974-09-18
6 s Near-Venus Magnetic Field and Trajectory Data PSFP-00041 Hardcopy Mariner 10 Magnetometer 1974-02-04 to 1974-02-05
Mariner 10 Photos of Venus on 70mm Film PSPA-00375 Photographs Mariner 10 Television Photography 1974-02-05 to 1974-02-10
Particle Count Rates SPHE-00164 ASCII Venera 2 Energetic Particles, MSU-TASPD 1965-11-15 to 1966-01-25 c SPDF
Particle Count Rates SPHE-00272 ASCII Venera 3 Energetic Particles, MSU-TASPD 1965-11-16 to 1965-12-10 c SPDF
Particle Count Rates SPHE-00163 ASCII Venera 4 Energetic Particles, MSU-TASPD 1967-06-12 to 1967-10-16 c SPDF
Particle Count Rates SPHE-00748 ASCII Venera 5 Energetic Particles, MSU-TASPD 1969-01-05 to 1969-03-09 c SPDF
Particle Count Rates SPHE-00649 ASCII Venera 6 Energetic Particles, MSU-TASPD 1969-01-10 to 1969-05-15 c SPDF
Particle Count Rates SPHE-00290 ASCII Venera 7 Energetic Particles, MSU-TASPD 1970-08-17 to 1970-12-15 c SPDF
Particle Count Rates SPHE-00162 ASCII Venera 8 Energetic Particles, MSU-TASPD 1972-03-27 to 1972-07-22 c SPDF
Particle Count Rates SPHE-00161 ASCII Venera 9 Energetic Particles, MSU-TASPD 1975-06-09 to 1976-01-11 c SPDF
1-Hour Averages of Solar Wind Parameters Velocity and Temperature SPHE-00323 Microfiche Venera 9
Venera 10
Plasma Electrostatic Spectrometer
Plasma Electrostatic Spectrometer
1975-06-16 to 1976-04-19 d
Computer Enhanced Lander Photography of the Venusian Surface PSPG-00475 Photographs Venera 9 Descent Craft Panoramic Surface Telephotometer 1975-10-22 to 1975-10-22
Particle Count Rates SPHE-00160 ASCII Venera 10 Energetic Particles, MSU-TASPD 1975-08-19 to 1976-04-01 c SPDF
Computer Enhanced Lander Photography of the Venusian Surface PSPG-00073 Photographs Venera 10 Descent Craft Panoramic Surface Telephotometer 1975-10-25 to 1975-10-25
Particle Count Rates SPHE-00289 ASCII Venera 11 Energetic Particles, MSU-TASPD 1978-09-11 to 1979-10-04 c SPDF
Particle Count Rates SPHE-00288 ASCII Venera 13 Energetic Particles, MSU-TASPD 1981-10-31 to 1983-03-16 c SPDF
Data from Solar Hard X-ray Monitor SIGNE-2M SPHE-00456 Hardcopy Venera 13 Gamma-Ray Spectrometer 1981-01-11 to 1983-03-13
Color Surface Photos, Panorama PSPG-00052 Photographs Venera 13 Descent Craft Panoramic Surface Telephotometer 1982-03-01 to 1982-03-01
Black and White Surface Photos, Panorama PSPG-00137 Photographs Venera 13 Descent Craft Panoramic Surface Telephotometer 1982-03-01 to 1982-03-01
Particle Count Rates SPHE-00159 ASCII Venera 14 Energetic Particles, MSU-TASPD 1981-11-06 to 1983-03-16 c SPDF
Data from Solar Hard X-ray Monitor SIGNE-2M SPHE-00420 Hardcopy Venera 14 Gamma-Ray Spectrometer 1981-01-11 to 1983-03-13
Venera 15/16 Hardcopy Radar Images of Venus PSPG-00717 Photographs Venera 15
Venera 16
Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)
Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)
1983-11-01 to 1984-07-10 d
Particle Count Rates SPHE-00407 ASCII Venera 16 Energetic Particles, MSU-TASPD 1983-06-08 to 1985-05-28 c SPDF
Venera 16
Radio Occultation
Radio Occultation
1983-10-12 to 1983-11-01 d, e
Venera 15/16 Radar Image Mosaics of Venus (PDS) PSPG-00456 PDS - CD Venera 15
Venera 16
Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)
Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)
1983-11-01 to 1984-07-10 d, f
Particle Count Rates SPHE-00191 ASCII Vega 1 Energetic Particles, MSU-TASPD 1984-12-22 to 1986-07-08 c SPDF
Particle Count Rates SPHE-00302 ASCII Vega 2 Energetic Particles, MSU-TASPD 1984-12-28 to 1985-05-03 c SPDF
Vega 1 / Vega 2 Venus Balloon Data PSPA-00648 ASCII Vega 1
Vega 2
Six Experiments d PDS
Atmospheric Propagation Spectral Amplitudes PSPA-00235 Hardcopy, Microfilm Pioneer Venus Probes Atmospheric Propagation Experiments 1978-12-21 to 1979-02-26
Gas and Plasma Environment Signal Strength PSPA-00184 Tape - ASCII Pioneer Venus Probes Atmospheric Propagation Experiments 1978-12-09 to 1978-12-09
Pioneer Venus Special Events Data (SED) PSPA-00034 Tape - ASCII Pioneer Venus Probes and Orbiter Multiple (16) Experiments 1978-12-05 to 1981-10-21
Relative Crustal and Atmospheric Velocity Components PSPA-00344 Tape - Binary Pioneer Venus Large Probe Differential Long Baseline Interferometer 978-12-09 to 1978-12-09
Gas Sampling Tables PSPA-00649 Digitized Tables Pioneer Venus Large Probe Neutral Mass Spectrometer 1978-12-09 to 1978-12-09
Relative Crustal and Atmospheric Velocity PSPA-00126 Tape - Binary Pioneer Venus Small (Day) Probe Differential Long Baseline Interferometer 1978-12-09 to 1978-12-09
Relative Crustal and Atmospheric Velocity PSPA-00308 Tape - Binary Pioneer Venus Small (Night) Probe Differential Long Baseline Interferometer 1978-12-09 to 1978-12-09
Relative Crustal and Atmospheric Velocity PSPA-00035 Tape - Binary Pioneer Venus Small (North) Probe Differential Long Baseline Interferometer 1978-12-09 to 1978-12-09
Bus Ion Mass Spectrometer Data, 850-140 km PSPA-00129 Tape - ASCII Pioneer Venus Probe Bus Ion Mass Spectrometer 1978-12-09 to 1978-12-09
Venus Upper Atmosphere - Morning PSPA-00309 Tables Pioneer Venus Probe Bus Neutral Mass Spectrometer 1978-12-09 to 1978-12-09
Pioneer Venus Plasma Summary Data SPHE-00315 Tape - Binary Pioneer Venus Orbiter Solar Wind Plasma 1978-09-25 to 1987-12-31
Pioneer Venus Hourly Averaged Plasma Data SPHE-00481 Tape - ASCII Pioneer Venus Orbiter Solar Wind Plasma 1978-09-25 to 1987-12-31
Solar Wind Plasma Analyzer Data, December 11, 1978 PSFP-00034 Tape - ASCII Pioneer Venus Orbiter Solar Wind Plasma 1978-12-11 to 1978-12-11
28 day Solar Wind Plasma Wave Plots on Microfiche, 20 Minute Averages SPHE-00153 Microfiche Pioneer Venus Orbiter Solar Wind Plasma
1978-12-06 to 1986-12-23
Solar Wind Plasma (UADS-LFD File) Data SPHE-00498 Tape - Binary Pioneer Venus Orbiter Nine Instruments 1978-12-05 to 1981-11-26
2-Minute Overlapped Averaged Data Taken Every Minute PSFP-00053 Tape - ASCII Pioneer Venus Orbiter Electric Field Detector
1978-12-06 to 1992-10-08
12 s Averaged Magnetic and Electric Field Data at Periapsis PSFP-00055 Tape - ASCII Pioneer Venus Orbiter Electric Field Detector
1978-12-05 to 1992-10-08
High-resolution Magnetic and Electric Field Data PSFP-00136 Tape - Binary Pioneer Venus Orbiter Electric Field Detector
1978-12-05 to 1992-10-07
CD 32 Sec Merged Magnetic and Peak Electric Field Data PSFP-00037 Tape - ASCII Pioneer Venus Orbiter Electric Field Detector
1979-06-08 to 1979-08-08
CD 32 Second Total Magnetic Field Data PSFP-00172 CD - ASCII Pioneer Venus Orbiter Magnetometer 1979-04-04 to 1979-06-03
Positive Ion Composition Measurements PSPA-00240 Tape - ASCII Pioneer Venus Orbiter Ion Mass Spectrometer 1978-12-05 to 1987-02-18 g
OIMS High-Resolution Data Base PSPA-00299 Tape - Binary Pioneer Venus Orbiter Ion Mass Spectrometer 1978-12-05 to 1992-10-07 g
F-Channel UV Spectra Averages SOUV-00018 Tape - Binary Pioneer Venus Orbiter Ultraviolet Spectrometer
Polarimetry Map Data PSPA-00077 Tape - Binary Pioneer Venus Orbiter Cloud Photopolarimeter 1978-12-08 to 1988-04-01
OCPP Digital Imaging Data PSPA-00113 Tape - Binary Pioneer Venus Orbiter Cloud Photopolarimeter 1980-02-21 to 1990-03-20
Gas and Plasma Environment Signal Strength Lists (Digitized) PSPA-00640 Scans Pioneer Venus Orbiter Gas-Plasma Environment-Dual Frequency 1978-12-12 to 1979-11-28
Orbiter Infrared Radiometer Radiance Data PSPA-00241 Tape - Binary Pioneer Venus Orbiter Infrared Radiometer 1978-12-12 to 1979-02-14
CD Zonal Aim Temperature vs Latitude Data PSPA-00075 CD - Binary Pioneer Venus Orbiter Infrared Radiometer 1978-12-08 to 1979-01-13
CD Observed Ionopause Locations Data PSFP-00147 CD - ASCII Pioneer Venus Orbiter Electron Temperature Probe 1978-12-05 to 1981-08-07
Radio Occultation Atmospheric Turbulence (MTUR/OTUR) Data PSPA-00398 Tape - ASCII Pioneer Venus Orbiter Turbulence Experiment 1978-12-13 to 1979-02-05
OAD P/V Atmospheric Drag Observations on CD PSPA-00109 CD - ASCII Pioneer Venus Orbiter Atmospheric Drag 1978-01-26 to 1979-08-07


a - May all be in ASCII data set PSFP-00755.
b - Combined data from two instruments.
c - Data online at Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF).
d - Data from two spacecraft combined.
e - PDS Data Set.
f - CD was for testing JPL’s MIPS CD-ROM premastering capability, not official Venera products.
g - May already be in OIMS data bundle at PPI.

Pioneer Venus Orbiter Magnetometer Data at the PDS PPI Node (4 data sets)

Pioneer Venus Orbiter Neutral Mass Spectrometer Data at the PDS PPI Node (7 data sets)

Pioneer Venus Orbiter Radio Science Data at the PDS PPI Node (1 data set)

Pioneer Venus Orbiter Retarding Potential Analyzer Data at the PDS PPI Node (2 data sets)

Pioneer Venus Orbiter Plasma Wave Analyzer Data at the PDS PPI Node (2 data sets)

Pioneer Venus Orbiter Ion Mass Spectrometer Data at the PDS PPI Node (2 data sets)

Pioneer Venus Orbiter UV Spectrometer Data at the PDS Atmospheres Node (Vol.1 and Vol.2)

Pioneer Venus Orbiter Gamma Ray Burst Data at HEASARC: heasarc_pvogrb and heasarc_pvotrig

All Mariner 2 Data

All Mariner 5 Data

All Mariner 10 Data

Venera Missions and Data

Pioneer Venus Mission and Data

Dr. David R. Williams,
NSSDCA, Mail Code 690.1
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, MD 20771

NASA Official: Dave Williams,
Last Updated: 6 August 2024, DRW