Lunar Data Sets (Non-Photographic)

68-118Z-00D - Apollo Project Data Copied to CD-WO (Preservation Data - 5 CDs)


Apollo 12

Apollo 12 Solar Wind Spectrometer - 1969-099C-02

02A - 28-Sec Time Resolution Plasma Parameters (4 tapes)

02B - Hourly Averaged Plasma Parameters (1 tape)

02C - Plots of Hourly Averaged Plasma Parameters (1 microfilm)



Apollo 12 Suprathermal Ion Detector Experiment (SIDE) - 1969-099C-05

05A - Plots of Mass Analyzer and Total Ion Data on 16-mm Microfilm, 24-Sec Res Data (93 microfilm reels)

05B - Lists of Mass Analyzer and Total Ion Data on 16-mm Microfilm, 24-Sec Res Data (274 microfilm reels)

05C - Mass Analyzer Data (2 tapes)

05D - Engineering Parameters for Side Alsep Experiment (5 microfilm reels)

05F - Total Ion Energy Analyzer Data (2 tapes)

05G - NPAK Format (raw) (Prop) (3 tapes)

05H - Engineering Parameters, Digital (Prop)



Apollo 12 Passive Seismic Experiment - 1969-099C-03

Data Sets (Tape, Microfilm, and Microfiche)


Apollo 14

Apollo 14 Cold Cathode Ion Gauge Experiment - 1971-008C-07

07A - Plots of Lunar Atmosphere Density Measurements Versus Time (3 microfilm reels)



Apollo 14 Charged Particle Lunar Environment - 1971-008C-08

08A - Count Rate Data (5 tapes)

08B - Experiment Position and Orientation Information vs Time (1 tape)

08C - 200-eV Electron Count Rate Plots on Microfilm (1 microfilm reel)



Apollo 14 Suprathermal Ion Detector Experiment (SIDE) - 1971-008C-06

06A - Plots of Mass Analyzer and Total Ion Data on 16-mm Microfilm, 24-Sec Res Data (168 microfilm reels)

06B - Lists of Mass Analyzer and Total Ion Data on 16-mm Microfilm, 24-Sec Res Data (181 microfilm reels)

06C - Mass Analyzer Data (2 tapes)

06D - Engineering Parameters For Side Alsep Experiment (4 microfilm reels)

06E - Three Dimensional Plots of Flux vs Energy Displayed as Functions of Time (3 microfilm reels)

06F - Total Ion Detector Data (3 tapes)

06G - NPAK Format (raw) (Prop) (6 tapes)

06H - Engineering Parameters, Digital (Prop)



Apollo 14 Dust Detector Experiment - 1971-008C-12

12A - Dust Detector Data Plots on 16-mm M/film (19 microfilm reels)



Apollo 14 Passive Seismic Experiment - 1971-008C-04

Data Sets (Tape, Microfilm, and Microfiche)


Apollo 15

Apollo 15 Alpha Particle Spectrometer - 1971-063A-10

10A - 256 Channel Pulse Height Analyzer Data (1 tape)



Apollo 15 X-Ray Flourescence Spectrometer - 1971-063A-09

09A - Lunar Orbit X-Ray Data (1 tape)

09B - Transearth Coast X-ray Data (1 tape)

Online Tables of 09A on FTP



Apollo 15 Solar Wind Spectrometer - 1971-063C-04

04A - 28-Sec Time Resolution Plasma Parameters (1 tape)

04B - Hourly Averaged Plasma Parameters (1 tape)

04C - Plots of Hourly Averaged Plasma Parameters (1 microfilm reel)



Apollo 15 Cold Cathode Ion Gauge - 1971-063C-07

07A - Plots of Lunar Atmosphere Density Measurements Versus Time (3 microfilm reels)



Apollo 15 Suprathermal Ion Detector Experiment (SIDE) - 1971-063C-05

05A - Plots of Mass Analyzer and Total Ion Data on 16-mm Microfilm, 24-Sec Res Data (278 microfilm reels)

05B - Lists of Mass Analyzer and Total Ion Data on 16-mm Microfilm, 24-Sec Res Data (303 microfilm reels)

05C - Mass Analyzer Data (4 tapes)

05D - Engineering Parameters for Side Alsep Experiment on Microfilm (8 microfilm reels)

05E - 3 Dimensional Plots of Flux vs Energy Displayed as Functions of Time (2 microfilm reels)

05F - Total Ion Detector Data (2 tapes)

05G - NPAK Format (raw) (Prop) (23 tapes)

05H - Engineering Parameters, Digital (Prop)

05I - Principal Investigator (PI) Format (raw) (Prop)



Apollo 15 Soil Mechanics - 1971-063C-02

02A - Soil Mechanics Data Documentation on Microfilm (1 microfilm reel)

Scans of 02A: Microfilm Soil Mechanics Data (Preliminary jpegs on ftp)



Apollo 15 Dust Detector Experiment - 1971-063C-09

09A - Dust Detector Data Plots on M/film (19 microfilm reels)



Apollo 15 Subsatellite Lunar Particle Shadows and Boundary Layer - 1971-063D-01

01A - 10-Min and 2-Hr Averaged Particle Count Rates (1 tape)

01B - 24-Sec and 10-Min Averaged Particle Count Rates on Microfilm (21 microfilm reels)

01C - 2-Hr Averaged Particle Count-Rate Plots on Microfilm (1 microfilm reel)

01D - Avg Magnetic Field Components and Selected Particle Counts; Single-Orbit Plots (6 microfilm reels)



Apollo 15 Passive Seismic Experiment - 1971-063C-01

Data Sets (Tape, Microfilm, and Microfiche)


Apollo 16

Apollo 16 Alpha Particle Spectrometer - 1972-031A-09

09A - 256-Channel Pulse Height Analyzer Data



Apollo 16 X-Ray Flourescence Spectrometer - 1972-031A-08

08A - Lunar Orbit X-ray Fluorescence Data (1 tape)

08B - X-ray Fluorescence Galactic Survey Data (1 tape)

Online Tables of 08A on FTP



Apollo 16 Cosmic-Ray Detector - 1972-031C-07

07A - Lunar Surface Cosmic Ray Experiment Published Report on Microfiche (1 microfiche)



Apollo 16 Soil Mechanics - 1972-031C-09

09A - Soil Mechanics Data Documentation on Microfilm (1 microfilm reel)

Scans of 09A: Microfilm Soil Mechanics Data (Preliminary jpegs on ftp)



Apollo 16 Subsatellite Lunar Particle Shadows and Boundary Layer - 1972-031D-01

01A - 10-Min and 2-Hr Averaged Particle Count Rates (1 tape)

01B - 24-Sec and 10-Min Averaged Particle Count Rates on Microfilm (4 microfilm reels)

01C - 2-Hr Averaged Particle Count-Rate Plots on Microfilm (1 microfilm reel)

01D - 192-Sec Magnetic Field Vectors and Selected Particle Counts; Single-Orbit Plots (1 microfilm reel)



Apollo 16 Passive Seismic Experiment - 1972-031C-01

Data Sets (Tape, Microfilm, and Microfiche)


Apollo 17

Apollo 17 Far-Ultraviolet Spectrometer - 1972-096A-02

02A - Far-UV Spectrometer Data (1 tape)

02B - Far-Ultraviolet Spectrometer Data on Microfilm (5 microfilm reels)



Apollo 17 Lunar Surface Cosmic Ray - 1972-096C-12

12A - Apollo 17 Lunar Surface Cosmic Ray Detector-Final Report (2 microfiche)



Go To Lunar Photographic Data

Dr. David R. Williams,
NSSDCA, Mail Code 690.1
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, MD 20771

NASA Official: Dave Williams,
Last Updated: 25 February 2019, DRW